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I was eating breakfast in my tent when Robb got back the next morning. I had heard the horses and shouts of celebration when the arrived. I suppose they won, then.

I pushed my food away, and sighed when I heard the curtain over the tent's opening ruffle.

"I thought you'd come see me when I came back, but I see you're eating," Robb said.

I didn't look at him. I was so angry, and I was honestly trying to calm myself down. You know what they say about a Dornishman's temper...

Robb let out a sigh, and he walked closer to me. I still kept my eyes on my bed.

"Are you angry at me?" He asked, and I couldn't take it anymore.

"Angry with you?" I asked in disbelief, standing up. He seemed surprised at my sudden reaction, but I continued, "You had the Kingslayer here- A Lannister, and you didn't think it was wise to tell me?"

Realization dawned on Robb's face, and he opened his mouth and began to speak.

I was famous for interrupting people, so I did that.

"Everyone in the Seven Kingdoms knows of the bad blood between the Martells and the Lannisters. Didn't you think, for even a second, that I would want to speak to him?" I asked, and crossed my arms.

"Speaking to him wouldn't be wise," Robb said.

"I've already spoken to him! Besides, it's not like I can't protect myself! You don't know what I'm capable of- you don't even know me," My tone was filled with anger.

"You spoke with him? What did he say?" Robb asked, then realized that he shouldn't have said that.

"He acted like I was some exotic beauty because of the fact that I'm Dornish, then felt the need to pick at everything he could to get to me!" I exclaimed.

"And he has gotten to you," Robb spoke, and I paused, looking away.

I stayed silent for a moment, debating on whether to continue arguing or just to get answers.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I demanded.

"Because I thought you knew. Honestly. Word travels fast," Robb said, and grabbed one of my hands.

My eyes searched his face, and I saw no sign of lying.

"...So I overreacted," I said regretfully, taking a deep breath.

"In a typical Dornish fashion," He said, and smiled lightly at me.

I smiled sheepishly and shrugged, as if to say, 'hey, what did you expect?'

I squeezed his hands, and looked into his eyes. They were a beautiful light blue- the first thing I'd noticed about him, along with his hair. My eyes moved up to look at the dark reddish-brown curls.

Without thinking, I used the hand that he wasn't holding his to reach up and grab a curl. I gently tugged on it, and it popped right back into place.

I giggled, and my eyes moved back to his. He looked very amused with me.

"Do you think our children will have your hair?" I asked suddenly, and his eyes widened slightly.

"I would imagine that a few of them might. But if we're lucky a few of them will get your beautiful black hair," He smiled, and I noticed the small dimples on his cheeks. They were hard to see with the facial hair, but I could see since we were so close.

"A few with my hair and a few with your's? How many children do you think we're going to have, an army?" I asked, laughing.

"If you feel up to the task," He shrugged, his eyes twinkling.

Long May She Reign [Robb Stark]Where stories live. Discover now