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A few days later, Jaime and Alton had returned. I did not think either of them would come see me(at least I hoped not), but Jaime seemed to have other plans.

I had just visited with Talisa for a little while. Her daily 'appointments' were more so for the benefit of both of us- we liked each other's company. My hand was on my stomach, which was growing by the day, and I was walking around to alleviate a cramp I had.

"Well, well, well... This is a change," I heard a voice say, and I turned around. Jaime Lannister was smirking at me, and I continued rubbing my stomach, narrowing my eyes at him.

"You and the Young Wolf have already made a pup... Interesting. What, you must be about five months along?" He teased, and I rolled my eyes.

"I am not that big. I am only four months along- not that it is any of your business," I said, looking at him for a second before looking away.

He muttered something to himself, and out of the corner of my eye I saw a smirk grow on his face.

"Ah, I see..." He said, and my head whipped around to look at him.

"What?" I asked, my hand resting on my stomach.

It did not even look like I was five months along at all, but it was more obvious with each passing day. I was carrying low as well, which made the bump look bigger than it was.

"Nothing, nothing... I am just thinking about what my father used to say about how big my mother looked when she was pregnant with Cersei and I," He mused, leaning against one of the bars of my cage.

My head tilted to the side in confusion. I did not care about how his mother looked when she was-


He could see the shock on my face and widening of my eyes, and he chuckled, shrugging.

"Twins? No- I do not think that I am having twins. There are no twins in mine or Robb's families," I said. It was a well known superstition that if a family member had twins than you were more likely to have twins yourself.

"I am not a maester or a midwife, it is just a hunch," Jaime said in amusement, and I really felt like throwing something at his stupid face.

"It is an incorrect one," I spat.

I was so worried about having one child, how was I going to handle two? Would I even survive the birth?

I needed him to stop talking about this.

"It is ironic that I am the one imprisoned now, is it not?" I said.

I could see a look in his eyes that said that he recognized the change of subject, but surprisingly, he let it go.

"It is. Your husband was not happy to let me go, trust that. Many of his liege lords were very upset with him... He had that ugly blonde guard bring Alton and I," Jaime said, and my eyes widened.

"Brienne? She was here? I need to see her!" I exclaimed, walking up to the bars that separated us.

"You sound like her," He chuckled, shaking his head, "She wanted to see you. but we could not allow that, of course."

I let out an angry groan of frustration, and felt a wave of nausea come over me. I paused, putting a hand on my belly and leaned against the bars of the cage.

Jaime looked slightly alarmed, and backed up a few paces.

"What was my husband like?" I knew I was asking the worst person, but there was no where else to get this information, "Was he alright?"

"I overheard a conversation between him and his mother- he's a mess," Jaime seemed to take slight pleasure in that, and my eyes widend.

"Catelyn's there? She is supposed to be in Winterfell!" I exclaimed, letting out a loud sigh.

I was trying to take deep breaths to avoid throwing up, and it seemed to be working.

"Oh wow, you certainly have missed a lot, haven't you?" He asked, tsking.

I glared at him. I usually would have never asked anything of him, but I was desperate.

"Keep me updated on the war," I pleaded with him, and he did not look convinced so I continued, "Sooner rather than later I will have a child to watch out for. I do not care for politics right now, I just need to know what kind of world I will be bringing a child into."

And whether or not it was safe for us here. If Robb did lose the war, or worse, his head, I would have to flee to Essos with whichever Starks I could find.

"You mean the world you'll be bringing two children into," He corrected me humorlessly.

I snarled at him, and if I was not in a cage, I may have attacked him.

"Alright, Princess, I will tell you what is going on. If I am feeling nice that day," He said. He almost seemed to take pity on me.

"Thank you," I sighed.

Never in a million years did I think that I would have to stoop as low as asking Jaime Lannister for help.

Whatever he told me of the war could be lies, anyway. But I would have to confirm his information with Talisa.

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