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The Battle of the Blackwater had happened a fortnight ago. Stannis's numbers were severely lowered, and there was no chance of him becoming king.

He was still alive, but his bannermen were already beginning to abandon him. Many people blamed it on the rumored witch he had with him from Essos, a priestess.

The Lannister's numbers were lowered as well. Many of their armies were still in King's Landing. Now was the time to strike, and Robb and his men were marching on Casterly Rock.

Robb and I had spent all the time together that we could.

I was alone in charge of this camp now. Not many people remained, some soldiers for protection and some maesters and women. Brienne as well.

So I was not expecting to be kidnapped in the dead of night.

When I woke up, I was very confused. I was on the floor. It took me a moment to realize that it was not the floor of my tent, but the muddy ground. I blinked furiously and sat up.

I was tied to a post. My hands were in shackles I seemed to be in a prison of sorts, outdoors. It was similar to how we kept Jaime Lannister.

"Who are you? Where am I?" I demanded, and one of the soldiers turned to look at me.

He stared at me for a split second before walking off, and my eyes followed him. He walked about 100 paces before entering a tent.

I took that time to look around.

I noticed that in the cage next to me were two familiar people.

"Obara! Sarella!" I gasped. I was never the most emotional person, but tears came to my eyes.

It looked as if they'd been here for a while. Their clothes were ragged and muddy. They were both asleep, and I decided not to wake them yet.

I turned my attention back to the tent, and the soldier walked out, with a man following him. I could instantly tell that the man was a Lannister based on the lion embroidery on his tunic.

As they walked up, I considered begging for my life. Or pleading and making a deal for my sisters. But they were not going to listen, I knew it, and I did not beg.

"Oberyelia Sand," The man behind the soldier said, as the soldier stepped aside.

"It's a pleasure," I said sarcastically, scowling at him, "Who are you? Where am I? Where is my husband? Why are my sisters here?"

The man chuckled, and said, "Wow, you are curious aren't you? Now why would I answer your questions?"

"What do you expect me to do with the information you tell me from the glorified cage I'm in?" I raised my eyes brows.

"Fair enough," The man shrugged, "I'm Kevan Lannister. You're in Ashemark. Your husband is marching on Casterly Rock and you and your sisters are here as blackmail."

My eyes narrowed, "Robb will not accept me and my sisters in exchange for saving Westeros."

"Oh, but I think he will," Kevan said, a cunning look in his eyes, "The Young Wolf is quick to action and rash, but you helped him with that, made him see reason. Now that you are not around, I am confident that he would trade anything for you."

He was right, I knew. He could tell by the defeated look on my face.

Robb would lose the entire war over me. But I couldn't let him do that.

"I will not be used as a bargining chip! I am a queen. My sisters are princesses and they will not be used either," I said, "At the very least, release them. You have me."

Long May She Reign [Robb Stark]Where stories live. Discover now