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This was infuriating.

Robb was off to battle the Lannisters again, and I was stuck here. Once they returned, we'd move camp, but until then, I was stuck with waiting.

"Are you alright, Elli?" Allysa asked gently, putting a hand on mine, "Perhaps I can make you feel better..."

Her hand started trailing up my arm, but I shook my head, pushing her away.

"Robb and I are to be married. He asked me to be faithful, and I agreed to, as long as he did the same," I explained, looking away.

Allysa did not seem to like that answer. I felt very bad as well- I was sure that she had grown to love me. To be in love with me.

I loved her too, but just as a friend. I could not take her as a lover anymore.

I stood up and walked out of my tent, needing fresh air.

I wandered around for a little while, just thinking. Soon, within a week, I was to be married to Robb. He had already been gone for a day at battle, and Catelyn hadn't returned either from meeting with Renly. I did not know anyone here, besides my guards and handmaidens. It was quite lonely.

Theon was also in Pyke, trying to get his father to side with Robb. I hoped that he was successful.

I knew that my family was trying to get the Tyrells to annul the marriage between Margaery and Renly. I wondered if my father, or maybe one of my sisters, visited the Baratheon's battlecamp.

If one of my family members were there, I wondered if Catelyn would meet them. I hoped it was not my sister Tyene, though, she could be a bit... Bold.

I realized that I had wandered to the back of the camp thoughtlessly. I could see something not too far away, though. I squinted, and realized that they were keeping a prisoner.

Quite a few of them, in fact, but there was one alone. In the middle cell, with guards around him. Chained to a post.

I wondered who it was. I walked forward, but couldn't see well with the guards in the way.

"I'm sorry, my lady, but you cannot go any farther," A guard placed his arm in front of me, looking straight forward.

"You are speaking to a princess, not a lady. And your future queen, might I add," I scoffed, "You do not tell me what I can and cannot do. I need to see the prisoner."

"What would your betrothed think if we allowed you to see Jaime Lannister?" The guard finally looked at me.

I was surprised, and felt a terrible anger. But my face stayed neutral, and I raised my eyebrows at him.

"What my betrothed thinks is none of your business. It is what he orders that should be your concern," I said, "And I am here to speak to the Kingslayer for the king while he is away."

The guard stared at me for a moment, and I narrowed my eyes at him.

He moved his arm, and I picked up my dress, walking forward into the dirt.

Jaime Lannister looked up at me, and smirked. His face was covered in dirt, his hair dry with mud.

"Leave us," I said.

The two guards exchanged a glance.

"My Princess-" The same guard that had first spoke to me started.

"That was an order! What do you think he can do to me while in a cell? Walk fifteen paces forward and do not listen to what I say," My tone left no room for arguments.

They did as I asked, and I griped the bar of the cell.

"For a man as famous as yourself, I expected you to look better," I said.

"Apologies, my lady, I would try to look my best for a beautiful woman like yourself, but unfortunately, I am confined to this prison," Jamie held up his hands as way of a joking apology.

"Do you know who I am?" I asked.

Jaime studied me for a second, and it made me feel uncomfortable. I did not mind a man's attention(or a woman's, for that matter), but to have a Lannister look me up and down made me angry.

"They called you princess. From that, your sharp tongue, and your lovely skintone, I'd say you were Dornish. Prince Doran only has one child, so... One of Oberyn Martell's bastards, right?" He asked, smirking.

"I am his oldest daughter," I said proudly, my shoulders squared.

"And betrothed to a man who fancies himself King in the North. How funny, considering the climate you're used to," Jamie quipped.

"Robb will be king of all seven kingdoms, not just the north. He will sit on the Iron Throne," I said.

"Does he know that? He's just a child," Jaime scoffed.

"Robert Baratheon was no older when he took the throne. And when you took his wife, probably," I retorted.

Jaime raised his eyebrows. His eyes searched my face.

"Did you come here to speak about my sister and I?" He asked.

"No, I didn't. I wondered upon your prison by accident, and wanted to see the famous Kingslayer- the man who killed my aunt's father by law," I said.

"He was mad," He said evenly, before something in his face changed, "But what you said doesn't make sense. If you really wanted to see me, then you would've come already. You didn't know that I was here, did you?"

I was struck into silence. Even I could not think of a clever reply to that. I looked down, avoiding his eyes.

"Did your loving king not tell you? I would think that he would, considering how everyone knows about the anger between the Martells and the Lannisters... Doesn't sound very nice of the king, if you ask me," Jaime's smirk grew.

"Well, it's a good thing that I didn't ask you," I snapped, leaning closer to him, my body against the bars of his cell, "I could kill you, you know. Right here, for your crimes against my family. For your family's crimes against mine, and indirectly causing the slaughter of my aunt and her children."

I didn't expect him to reply. I was hoping to catch him in silence as he had gotten me.

"Then do it. If you don't I expect someone else will. Why not die by the hands of a lovely woman if I am doomed anyway?" He said easily.

"Death is too good for you, you stupid little pathetic, pink man," I spat, before turning around, "Perhaps I will send Grey Wind, King Robb's direwolf, in here to eat one of your hands."

With that, I walked away. I knew that he was afraid of that alternative- anyone would be.

Once I got to the guards, I nodded at them both, and smiled gracefully.

"It would be a shame if the prisoner was not fed dinner tonight, wouldn't it be?" I asked them, then added, "Your King will be told of your help to me, and I am sure that he will be very appreciative."

And with that, I continued walking away.

And I knew that once Robb was back, I would demand to know why he kept this from me. Jaime must have been a prisoner for a while, by the state of him. He was probably captured while we were on the road, and we simply never heard word of it.

But that didn't matter. What mattered was that Robb didn't tell me. And it made me very angry.

Long May She Reign [Robb Stark]Where stories live. Discover now