How about that

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My head was pounding at this point, did he really kick me out? I questioned myself as I sat and stared at the cream colored wall in front of me. I rolled my eyes after seeing Caren walk in my room with a concerned expression on her face, "what do you want & why are you in my room?"

"Oh I'm just checking to see if you're okay" she sighed and sat down next to me on my bed "look, I know you don't like me but if we live together we're going to have to get along."

I crossed my arms and avoided any eye contact with her "yeah, that's what you think"

She looked around my room and stopped at something "you're rooms very pretty" she complimented while trying to hold her positive attitude.

"I know "

Will you leave already

She let out an exhale "your dad really loves you, but he doesn't like the way you act" she proceeded.

"Yeah no, you don't know shit about me or the way I act, get out my damn room!" I yelled as I watched her slowly reframe from my bed and walk out of the door

"Your dad doesn't like the way You act" I mocked her, "how you just gone come up in my room and tell me what my dad doesn't like. Tuh " I laughed to myself.

I got up and closed my door and locked it before grabbing my phone calling tink.

"What's up licia" her voice softly entered my right ear.

"A lot, you know anywhere I can stay? Dad kicked me out "

"What omg, I would say here but mom has a no friend staying over rule because of these damn tv shows " she sighed "the schools having this thing for runaway teens that needs help. " she finished

But I'm not a runaway teen, I was kicked out and I really can't trust the people at the school I rolled my eyes and replied to her with a "ok"

"So is that a yes or no, cause signups are tomorrow, well later on I mean" she corrected herself.

"You're right I guess I can do that. "

"Well good because the school will announce it tomorrow on the announcements"

I hung up the phone and laid back in my bed thinking about the schools shelter home thingy.

"I can't believe I'm allowing you to talk me into something again. " I said while I carried my books in my arm walking beside tink.

"Oh relax, you'll live licia and it'll give your dad time to think, you think he almost lost it when you left with me, imagine what he'll do when his own daughter moves out and in with some strangers. " she nudged me in my arm.

She is right but you never know, anything can happen in a shelter, especially when it's full of teens.

"That's the problem! I don't know who I'm moving in with" I said as I felt a shoulder brush against mine. "Excuse you" I said as I stopped and look to see it was one of banks hoes.

She stopped and gave me a laugh before continuing.

"These hoes are really disrespectful. " I sighed trying not to follow After her and ripping her head off.

"Yeah, but back to what I was saying, you won't be there with every one at once, I think it's a roommate thing, same sex. " she continued.

"Punch me in my eye and mail me my L" I cried in sarcasm.

"Well I better get to class, see you soon. " she smiled and departed from me.

I wonder if I can pick who I'm living with

I made it into calculus and sat in my seat.

"I heard you let o dude hit, is it true?" I heard a male voice behind me, I shot my head towards that direction.

Who in the hell told that lie.

"No, where'd this come from?" I questioned.

"It's all around the school fam" he answered me with a smirk appearing On his face.

"If so, why am I just hearing about this? " I asked as I folded my arms.

"Oh I don't know, but they said it was after everyone left from your party. "

"And what else" I tapped my pencil listening to the lies.

"It's also been going around that you were bop biddy "

A/n: bop biddy is another word for a girl who gives top.

"Oh my gosh, it was lavontè wasn't it?!" I semi yelled

"Don't ask me, I don't know who you be bopping. " he said loud enough for the whole class to hear, soon everyone. Began laughing, my anger took over me as I stood up out of my chair and slapped him across his face soon walking out as the class went silent.


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