Oh my god

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"So what are we going to do tink?" i sighed knowing i was going to regret it.

"I texted them and told them ill be there before five" she said as she slammed the key in the ignition and flew out of her driveway.

"Dont we need weapons?" i questioned while holding on to the bottom of my seat.

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"I got this!" she said as she plugged her phone into the aux and blasted "birthday" by blac youngsta

She grabbed her phone and let go of the steering wheel texting someone causing us to swerve around in the middle of the streets. Does this girl ever care?

"Look!" i screamed taking the wheel and turning it to the right as fast as i can so i can avoid the red car that was charging towards us.

She take the wheel and presses harder on the gas, i watch as the mph go up, it is ridiculous how crazy this girl drive. She acts like a lunatic behind the wheel

We arrive in front of the college that we went to earlier in the week. The same light skin college student that was at the party greet us at the window. He hands her a large black and white nike sports bag. Tink hands me the bag and i place it under my seat making sure it is covered.

No lie i am very terrified right about now, like who knows what this girl is up to?

"Relax" she plainly demand, and rolls the window up before sending me a sinister smirk.

The fuck

She drives off and stops at a stop sign. "Licia look in the side of the door and hand me that bag that says hazardous on the front. "

I lean over and puts my hands in the side of the car and got a plastic bag with a warning sign on it.

She looks at me and says "open that hoe up" i do as i am told and when i open the bag the smell of loud hit my nose like a punch. It does smell good though. I gave her the bag

She pulls over to the corner and begins to roll up. She puts the back wood in her mouth and tells me to light it. I lit the blunt.

She takes four hits of it then passes it to me. I then grabs it and put it in my mouth, putting one of my hands in front of it and lighting it with my other hand.

i soon eject it following a cough "that shit strong"

"Hell yeah" she takes the blunt from me and smokes it some more, by now the car is full of smoke.

She passes me the blunt again and i take about seven hits..

"Put that hoe out" she says before moving from the corner and rolling all the windows up.

I put out the blunt and start coughing, its so smokey in here i don't understand how she can see in this foggy ass car.

She continues driving and we stop at McDonald's getting a burger and fries. Than we leave and arrive to atlanta.

I still admire the sight of this place its so pretty. All the lights and everything.

By now i am about high as hell, and we still inhaling the smoke in the car.

We sit in front of banks house and tink looks over to me and tells me to get the sports bag from under me

I nodded and opened the sports bag to see two pistols and 4 bands, o grabbed one pistol and passed it to her and the last one, tink looked over at me and nodded.
"Welcome to your first homicide licia. " she smiled before getting out and slamming the door.

She tucked her gun in her pants and glanced at me "tuck it"

Oh my god

I tucked the gun in the side of my pants, and we walked to the door.

She knocked on it and then rang the bell.

"Who is it!" a loud female voice sounded behind the door.


"Oh i've been waiting for you" the door opened to a wide hipped girl with a ski mask on with a gun in her hand.

We walked in and followed the girl to the basement of the house.
I turned around to see another girl behind us with a gun in her hand, i quickly turned back and continued walking.

We made it there to see banks with his head down and blood everywhere and scars on his body.

Its still sexy though

The girls stared at tink and i.

The one that answered the door came towards me and punched me in my mouth, i held it.

As that happened the others grabbed tink.

"You know who he is?" the girl whispered in my ear.

"Yeah" she hit me in my mouth again. I know what youre thinking, why didn't i hit her back? I just didn't want to fuck shit up and both tink and banks fuck around and die.

"Bitch who is he?" she raised her voice.

"Banks" i said wiping blood off my mouth.

She slammed her fist on my mouth again. "Bitch he's mine, thats who he is!" she punched me again.

I fell on the floor and held my mouth as she walked towards tink.

I knew her dating him was going to be a bad idea.

I grabbed the gun and put it under my hoodie trying not to show the pistol print and walked slowly behind the girl and made sure the others didnt pay attention to me. The had their eyes on tink.

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