Male!Jasmin X Reader

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Not Like The Others


Male!Jasmin (Jasman) X Reader

I sigh as I sit on the horse. I look over to my farther who was smiling happily. I tug the cape over me slightly more.

"Do not worry (Y/n). This prince will be diffrent. You'll like him alot. I know his farther very well." He said. I nod adn sigh. The city of Ahgrabar was coming closer and closer.


As we walked through he town people stared and awwed at me. I saw two small children run out in front of my horse and I pulled back the rains, puling the horse back. Some people gasped and muttered words about the children being stupid and reckless. I sigh and slid off my horse, my farther telling me to hurry. I walk over and kneel down.

"Are you alright?" I ask offering my hand to the young boy who fell. He shook, but nodded. He took my hnd adn I helped him up. The older looking girl hugged him holding him close. "Dont worry Im not angry. Now hurry. You shouldn't be playing in the road like that. You could have gotten hurt." I smile. They nodded and rushed off somewhere. I go over adn hop back onto my horse kicking my heal into its side. I trotted off, following my dad, all the way to the castel.


I walk in some one had took my cape and I walk by my farther's side.

"Ah, (y/d/n). Such a nice surprise. Oh and look at you." The short sultan said taking my hands in his. "The image of your mother." I smile. "You have her kind heart too."

"Oh you saw what happened?" My farther asked.

"Me and Jasman saw." The sultan smiled. "He was happy you didn't take it negatively." I looked to my dad.

"As in hurt them?" I ask. He nodded.

"We had another Princess come a couple days ago who hurt a child for accidentally bumping into her. Poor boy." He sighed sadly. The room fell into an awkward silence until my farther cleared his throat

"Well where is your boy?" My dad asked. "I want my daughter to meet her future husband."

"Dad. Please." I say. "Dont make this more difficult for me." I sigh, tucking my (h/l) (h/c) hair behind my ear.

"Jasman is in the garden. Your free to go to him if you wish?" I nod and the Sultan pointed to where Jasman said and I walk over. I push open a door to come face to face with a tiger. I gasp but smile.

"Well I wasn't expecting to see you." I smile petting he tiger gentle. He seemed to purr and I giggle.

"Ragja." I look up to see the prince standing there. The tiger walked over to him and stud by him. "You must be (Y/n)?" He asked.

"Yes." I say with a small smile.

"My future wife?" He asked looking me up and down. I sigh and look down. Appearance. All princes are the same. "You impressed me by what you did with those children." He smiled.

"Just because Im a princess, doesn't mean I treat anyone any differently." I say walking around. "And the part referring to being your wife. Im sorry to tell you but I have no intention on being the wife of someone who is only interested in how people look to him."

"What made you think I'm anything like that?" He asked. I sigh and walk over to a fountain and sit on the side, him sitting next to me.

"Every prince I've met is like that. What could make you any different? I don't mean to be rude but..." I sigh trailing off, looking down. The images of the men who did anything, and I mean anything, for my hand. The forced kissed many men had given me. "You wouldn't understand anyway." I say and stand up. "It was nice to meet you but I think I want to go home." I felt something warm slid down my face. I touch it and wipe it away. I was...crying? Jasman got to his feet but I backed away. "Im fine." I say and walk off quickly.

"Wait. Prin-" I couldn't hear the rest because I was already gone.


We ended up spending the night. I finished in the bath and changed for dinner. I sigh as I looked around my room. I sigh as I sit by the mirror. I look into and brush my hair, until I saw Jasman come out form behind my curtains.

"How long have you been there?" I ask turning around to face him.

"Only a couple minute. I wanted to ask you something." He said. I sigh and pin my hair back into a low pony tail. "Why did you run off before?" I sigh and look around. I look towards the door and then him.

"We're going to be late to dinner." I say standing up.

"(Y/n). What did the other prince's do?" He asked. I look him in the eyes and I found myself falling deeper into them.

"Why do you care?" I ask.

"Because I care about you." He said cupping my left cheek."I don't ever want to see you like i did earlier. When I saw you cry I felt something inside me break." He said using his thumb to lightly stroked my cheek, making me lean into his touch. "Your too beautiful and kind to cry." He smiled putting his other arm around my waist. Pulling me close, my hands on his chest. "I won't make you cry like they did." He said gently as if I would run away. He leaned down and kissed me softly. I felt myself melt into his touch and my hands went up and into his hair.


I sigh as I look into the mirror and smile at my reflection. Jasman standing behind me, hugging me from behind.

"My wonderful wife and queen." He smiled. I smile adn turn around kissing him softly. "I'll always make you happy."

"You already do." I smile and he kissed me once more.

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