Male!Cruella De Vil X Designer! Reader (Part 2)

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I groan as Cruell sat there glaring at me.

"This is the best you can do?" He asked, almost disappointed. He huffed and took a puff of his cigarette. "I think Im going to go get something to eat. Why don't you work on your designs." He said before grabbing his fur coat and pulling it on over his shoulders. "I expect you to come up with something better than this?" He walked out and I growl. I pick up my designs and got up. I walked out to the worker and looked around. I saw most of them doing nothing. I go around and give each of them a design.

"Make them and make them well." I snap and they nodded, quickly getting to work. Cruell never came back so by the end of the day the cloths where finished after I yelled at them about taking so many breaks. I collect the completed cloths and took them to Cruells office. I put them on the maniquens and smiled. "I dare him to say anything about my work." I smiled and grabbed my coat and walked out.

*****NEXT DAY*****

I walked to Cruells office around 9am and saw him sitting there with his arms crossed.

"What is this?" He asked gesturing to my 4 outfits.

"My work. Your welcome." I grin taking my jacket off.

"You wasted fabric with this-"

"Look this it what people like now a days. So try to keep up old men." I grin and his mouth fell open. "Look your a great designer but there are other good designers out there. They all know the modern stuff so just trust me will you." He sighed and rubbed his head.

"Fine." He said getting up. "Just one thing." He leaned over and put his face to mine, causing me to blush. "Im not old." I smiled and shrugged.

"Could have fooled me." I grin. He smirked and leaned closer and kissed me sweetly. I was shocked but it was addictive. I smiled as I kissed back but he pulled away.

"Still think Im old?" He asked grinning.

"Im not sure." I smiled.

*****1 WEEK LATER*****

We sat at the end of the run way. The models showed off my outfits after Cruell made a few small requests. I smiled as everyone went mad for them. I glanced up at Cruell who sat there smiling.

"Told you it would be a success." I grin and he looked down at me.

"Well its not over yet sweetheart." I blushed at the name but looked to the models.

After all the models where done and everything was finished with I went back to Cruells office to take everything back. I smiled as I placed the things away and he looked at me, watching my ever move.

"Its not nice to stair." I say.

"What if what Im starring at is beautiful." I looked over to him slightly shocked. He chuckled and came over and cupped my cheek. "I've always thought that."

"And you fired me." I say bluntly.

"Looks will only get you so far my dear." He grinned. He leaned closer. "But I can take you anywhere you want to go." I smiled and leaned closer and kissed him. He held the back of my head softly. I smiled as he pulled away. "Come on sweetheart. We have a party to get too." I giggled and grabbed his hand and we quickly added downstairs.

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