Hans X Reader

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I don't like Hans but here you go...

I sigh as I could hear the king and princes yell at hans from the kitchen.

"He deserves it. For what he did to Arrendail." I sigh and looked towards the door. "But maybe you could at least make sure he's okay. (Y/n)?" I look up and over to her. I nod and we continues making dinner.

*****Time Skip*****

I walked out the dinning hall and looked toward Hans's bedroom. He haven't eaten yet.

"(Y/n)?" I look over to the queen. I curtsied and she smiled. "No need to be formal my dear. You and Hans grew up in this castle. Maybe you could talk to him." I nod.

"I'll try your majesty." She nodded and walked away. I walked to the kitchen and made some sandwiches and walked to Hans's room. I walked to the door and knocked softly.

"Go away." I heard a deep voice say. I sigh and push open the door.

"Prince Hans?" He growled and looked over.

"Could have guessed they would send you in." He growled. "What do you want?"

"I-I-" He had never been so mean to me. I was the only one he was nice too other than his parents.

"What!?" He yelled. I jump and tear up. I didn't like being yelled at after my father abused me for as long as he did. I started to shack and slowly walk over. I place the food on his bed. He just looked at it as I lowered my head. I run out. "(Y/n)! Wait!" I ignored him and run out. I run out crying only to crash into someone. I whimper and look up and saw it was the second youngest son, Jack (I don't know).

"(Y/n)? Whats wrong?" He asked and I whimper as I heard Hans yell my name. He helped me up and stud in front of me.

"(Y/n)?" I didn't look over. I knew it was Hans.

"What did you do?" Jack asked.

"Nothing." Hans said. "I just got angry. Can you blame me. I've had a bad week."

"Can you blame (Y/n) for being scared of you being angry?" Jack asked. "Do you not remember her father?" Hans tensed up and looked at me sadly. I still stud there shacking. Hans walked over but I backed away.

"I should g-get back t-to the kit-kitchen." I say quickly and hurry off.

*****Time Skip*****2 Days Later*****

I stud in the kitchen, cleaning up. Every night, we draw straws. The shortest straw was the one who would be cleaning it. I got the short straw today. I wipe the sides and put things away.

"(Y/n)?" I jump and look over. Hans stud there. "What are you still doing up?" He asked.

"Im cleaning up tonight." I say.

"Well...can we talk?" He asked. "About the other day?"

"I don't-"

"You know I would never hurt you, right?" He asked cutting me off. I back up a little.

"I know." I say looking down. "It just scared me that you could act like that."

"I'm sorry." He said and came over, his arms wrapped around me.

"So many roamers about what you did. Yet you never act badly around me...other than the other day." I say. He sighed and let me go.

"I love you, you know that?" He asked smiling. I sigh and back away.

"How can you expect me to believe that." I say. "When you proposed to another woman."

"I only did that to get her country" He said taking my hands. "I do love you." I pull my hands free and sigh.

"I know you do...it's just..." I look away.

"You love another?" He asked.

"What? No." I sa.

"Its just that I...I don't like pain. I don't want my heart broken." I say sadly.

"I would never-"

"What if a princess came here for you hand and you would rule her kingdom, would you really not take that?" I ask.

"No, of course not." He said and came over cupping my face.

"Hans, I know when your lying." I say sadly and back away. He just looked at me sadly. "Im sorry, but how should I know if I can trust you-" I was cut off when he came over, cupped my face and kissed me softly. He pulled away and looked at me.

"You where my first kiss, my first crush, first love and I want you to be my wife." He smiled. I just looked at him, tearing up. He looked at me shocked and I pulled him closer, hugging him tightly. He smiled and hugged me back. "Can I say that was a yes?" He asked. I nodded and he picked me up twirling me around.

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