Male!Cruella De Vil X Designer! Reader

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*****Cruell's POV*****

I flicked on the news and smiled as my party was all they talked about. I turned to another news reporter and listened.

"The main gossip is the party being thrown by the famous Cruell De Vil. But what people are waiting for is a glimpse at the mysterious designer from (company name). Miss (F/n) (L/n). She is due to make an appearance at Mr De Vils party this evening." I flick off the TV and smirked. I took a puff of my cigarette and looked out to the city.

"Can't wait to meet you again Miss (F/n)." I grinned.

*****Flashback*****(Y/n)'s POV*****

I sat at my work bench and growled as I continued to sew up the cloths. I looked to the design Mr De Vil wanted me to make. For 2 years I had been showing my designs to Mr De vil and he just brushed them off. I heard the door behind me slam open and looked over to see an angry looking man. I sigh and went back to work.

"Where is that new coat!?" He asked. I could heard thee anger dripping out his words.

"Its almost finished." I say as I continued to stitch it.

"That isn't good enough. It should have been finished yesterday." He growled. I looked up at him and I could see he was really mad.

"But you changed the design and I-"

"Shut up. Your such a worthless worker just get out my sight." He growled. I just looked up at him. "Get out. Your fired."

****Present*****At The Party******

I sat in my limo as I waited to arrive at the building I used to work in. I pull out my phone and looked to the time.

"Miss?" I looked up at my driver. "We've arrived." I nodded and looked to the tinted windows, still seeing the flashes of light of the paparazzi. I wait from my driver to open the door and stepped out. Questions where threw at me and pictures where taken. I was glad I dressed up. I wore my favorite (f/c) dress that went down the the floor. I smiled and walked into the party room gaining quite a bit of attention. Whispers went around until the man of the hour walked into the room.

"Welcome everyone." Cruell smiled. "I hope you all enjoy yourself." He smiled as he walked towards me. "So please have a drink and celebrate my 10 years of success." He smiled as he stopped next to me and looked around at everyone. They all raised a Champaign glass and smiled. The music continued and I looked up at Cruell who was looking down at me. "It's nice to see you again Miss (Y/n)."

"Oh really?" I asked walking around him and picking up a drink. "Because last time I was here you was desperate to get rid of me." I say taking a sip of the liquid in the glass.

"I hope we can put all that in the past." He smiled. "I have a proposal for you?" He said as I took another sip. I just looked at him.

"Continue." I say.

"I would like us to create a new spring catalog together." He smiled. I just looked at him.

"If I remember correctly you called me designs discussing, pointless and not worth your time." I say and he just looked at me. "Why would I work with someone like you."

"You would get a lot of attention and a lot of money." He smirked.

"I don't care for money." I say and he gave me a questionable look. "I only withed for my thing to be popular. I never wanted the money. 50% of my earnings go to a charity." I smiled. His mouth fell open. "Close your mouth De Vil." I saw and walked around him. "I don't wish to work with you."

The rest of the night was perfect. I spoke with models and designers. I smiled as the night lasted. But all good things come to an end. I walked to the door when I felt a small tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Cruell.

"I you had a good nigh." He said. I smiled and he walked me to the door. "Well I'll see you Monday morning."

"What?" I asked as he looked down at me with a sly smirk.

"To work on the catalog. We need to start right away. We only have a month to get ready for the fashion show." He said just standing over me.

"I told you, I'm not working on the catalog with you." I said standing my ground.

"Well if you don't you may find your popularity decreasing." He grinned. I knew what he could do. When I worked for him I saw him take down multiple designers in a day. He always had to be on top.

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