Li Shang X Reader (Part 2)

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I sadly watch as Shang left again. He was going to train more soldiers. I touched the slight bump. Shang didn't ask any questions about it. He still didn't know. I walked inside and my mother sat there sipping on some tea.

"Are you ever going to tell him?" She asked. I smiled and sat by her.

"I thought I would be obvious, since I'm already so big." I say stroking the small bump. "I am only 3 month pregnant." I say.

"The longer you leave it. The more questions Shang will ask." My mother said. I looked down at my hand as I fiddle with the ring. "How long will he be away this time?" She asked.

"Only two days." I sighed.

"He'll have to be hone more often when the baby is born. It will need a father as much as it will need a mother." She said. I took a deep breath and poured myself some tea. "But lets get back to planning the wedding." I smiled and nodded, happy that the conversation was changed.


After two says I waited for Shang to come home. I smiled. I had found out that I may be having twins. I stroked my belly humming a song.

"Your going to be lucky. I know Shang wants you to be a boy but I hope your a girl." I whisper. I felt them move and giggled.

"What's going on?" I looked up to see Shang and my mother by his side. "Your mother said you needed to talk to me...but I think I can guess what its about." He smiled walking over and kneeling down to my height. He kissed my head and took my hands.

"What?" I asked.

"Your pregnant." My mother said. I looked to her before I turned back to Shang. He smiled and kissed me sweetly.

"I'm happy. Why would you keep this a secret?" He asked. I sighed but smiled.

"I guess I wanted to find the perfect time to tell you." I smiled up at him.

"No matter when you told me it would have been perfect." He smiled and kissed my head.

"Your not worried?" I asked.

"About what?" He asked.

"Your always away. What if something happens and your at war or away." I say. "What if I loes it."

"You will not lose the baby. I will try my hardest to be here when you need me adn I will be here for the labor." He smiled. I giggled adn he touched my belly. "Now everything seems to add up." He chuckled. He kissed my noise and smiled at me. His forhead agesnt mine. "Everything will be fine. I promise."

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