Frollo X Child Reader

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Just so you all know this will be a father-daughter thing's FROLLO. I get some people might like him but I really don't. But anyway I hope this is okay.


I smiled as I sit with my father. He didn't really want to be here but I pleaded him to come. I smiled as the lady in red danced. She hopped on my dad lap and wrapped the scalf around his neck and pulled him closer kissing his noise before jumping off and in a puff od smock she was gone. Father didn't look happy at all.


Father left to go talk to someone. I walked around the streets. I smiled as I saw the same dancing lady, preforming in the streets. I smiled as I hid behind a wall and watched her. She glanced over to me and I froze.

"No need to hid." She smiled and walked over. I smiled and went over.

"Your really pretty." I smiled. She laughed and pat my head.

"Why thank you." She smiled. She took my hands and span me around. I giggled as she danced with me and other Gypse's played music. I giggled until everything stopped and guards came out of no where. One grabbed me and I screamed.

"Stop this instant." I look over to the voice, my eyes filled with tears. My father stud there. "Put my daughter down this instant." He snapped and the guard did as asked. My father grabbed my hand and pulled me up to his house and held me close. We took off and I let tears slip out. "Oh hush now." He said as he climbed off, helping me off. "Now, come on." I nodded and followed him. "I will only ask once. What was you doing with that woman?" He asked.

"Dancing." I mutter quietly.

"Speek up." He said loudly.

"I was dancing." He tensed and his face twisted into one of disgust.

"You will not go near that woman again. Do I make myself clear?" He asked sternly. I nodded quickly and he frowned. "Go to your room." I sniffled and went up to my room.


I cough as I tried to get out my room. The door was stuck. I could smell smock. I heard footsteps and cough worse. Soon there was banging on the door. Soon the door came open and there was a blond solder. He came over and wrapped a blanket wound me and held me to his chest and ran out the building. I coughed as everyone watched. I looked to the lady who was asleep. He sat me down and I coughed.

"Where's my father?" I asked and Quasimodo looked at me sadly.

"He didn't make it." The solder said. I teared up and let my tears fall. The lady must have woke up because she pulled me into her lap.

"You can stay with me for now." I nodded and hugged her.


This was the hardest one-shot I have wrote so far. I hope its okay.

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