Male!Ursula X Male!Reader

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Request by ---->>>>    IchinoseSeira

I sigh as I sat in Ursuls Cave. You see I made a deal with the sea witch. He gave my family there freedom and I was his slave for what ever he needed. I groan as I swim out the cave. Im board. I wonder if there's anything to do. I looked around and saw a mermaid with red hair. I looked back to the cave, knowing if I left Ursul would be angry. I shook it off. He wouldn't mind if it was only for a little while. I quickly swim after the mermaid. She swam into a boat wreakege. I smiled as I staid hidden and watched her pick up some human stuff and put it in her bag. A shark swam around and I tensed. I quickly swim over and pulled her out the way. She screamed at the shark and we swam as fast as we could, away from the ship. Soon the shark was trapped in an anchor. I looked to the girl an she smiled at me.

"Thank you for saving me." I smiled at her, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Don't worry about it." I chuckled. She smiled and kissed my cheek before swimming off. I smiled but shook it off. I quickly swam back to the cave but froze when I saw Ursul, looking beyond angry.

"So you went and saved the little princess?" He growled.

"Princess?" I ask. He huffed and showed me a picture of the girl talking to king triton.

"You just saved Triton youngest daughter." He said crossing his arms. "And you brock my number one rule. Why did you leave?" He asked coming closer. I looked away and sighed.

"I was bored." I groan. I felt his tentacle slither round my waist an pulled me closer. My hands on his chest.

"Well maybe this could help us." I just looked at him. "You see you could get the princesses trust." He smirked. "Make her think you love her."

"Well that's going to be hard." I sigh.

"And why is that?" He asked glaring at me.

"I don't like girls." I growl. He just looked at me before grinning.

"Then when you finished this one thing for me. I'll let you leave." He said. "You can go back home." I looked to the glass with the princesses figure swimming in it. "All you have to do, is get her to bring me the kings trident." I looked up at him.

"But she would never do-"

"Just get her to drink this." He smirked. "And she'll do whatever you want."

"Are you sure about this?" I asked, knowing his past sceams hadn't worked. He frowned and pulled me closer.

"Are you doubting me?" He asked. I couldn't lie. He knew when I was. I couldn't tell him the truth, who knows what he'll do.

"Just in the past. It hasn't exsacly gone to plan." I say. He smirked down at me and pulled me to his chest, cupping my face.

"Don't worry (Y/n). This time nothing can go wrong." He smiled and kissed my head. I felt my whole body warm up. I shiver and he let me go. "Now go on. I'll be watching." I nodded and swim away, all the way to Alanta.


I swam around looking for the princess when I bumped into someone. I quickly back up.

"Im sorry." I say quickly. There was a slightly taller teen. He smiled down at me and I blushed. He was good looking.

"Its okay." He smiled.

"I was looking for the princess." I say. He smiled and pointed behind me. There she was.

"There's Ariel. The others are inside the castle." I nodded and swam over to Ariel.

"Ariel!" I call. SHe turned around and looked to me. I swam over and smiled at her. "How are you?"

"Im fine. Thank you again." She smiled. I smiled to her and she hugged me. I hugged her back and she let me go.

"Oh I have a gift for you." I smiled and hand her the vial Ursul gave me. "Its a special drink. I really like it. I thought maybe you would like some." She smiled and opened it, drinking it quickly. She smiled and closed her eyes. They opened and they glowed. "Do you think you could get me the kings tident and bring it to Ursuls cave?" She nodded.a and I smiled. "And remember, don't let anyone see you." She nodded and swam away. I smiled and swam back only to see the teen looking at me smirking. He came over and smiled at me, his hands landing on my waist.

"Hey." He smiled. I smiled back.

"I have to go." I say when he grabbed my hand.

"Why not stay a little longer?" I looked back towards the darkened water and smiled to him. I nodded and he showed me around the castle. I smiled and looked towards him.

"I better go now." I smiled. He nodded and came over and kissed me. I tensed and he let me go, swimming away. I blushed brightly and I swam away. I went back to the cave, my face burning red. Once I arrived I saw Ursul sat there annoyed. Ariel sat there holding the trident.

"So, finally finished playing with your boyfriend?" He asked.

"Who?" I asked. Ursul growled and came over and pulled me closer and turned me around until I was looking to Ariel.

"She wont give it to me." He growled. I felt something warm and wet touch my neck. I tensed realizing it was Ursul's toung. I shiver. "Make her give it to me." I nodded and go over to the red head.

"Can I have the trident, please Ariel." She smiled and came over and kissed me. I tensed. She smiled and gave it to me. Ursul grabbed it from me and soon Ariel was in a cage.

"Now." He growled coming over to me. He grabbed me and kissed me roughly. I felt myself melt. It was better than anything I ever felt. "You belong to me."

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