Jack skellington x dead bride reader

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I smiled as I walked through Halloween town. I laughed at some of the children running around. I smiled and saw Jack. I tensed and fiddled with my ripped veil a little. Me and Jack had been dating a month now but I still felt like I was a nervous wreak around him. He saw me and waved. He was so tall. He strolled over and kissed my head, making my face burn.

"Are the Halloween plans going right, we only have a week before Halloween." I say and he smiled. A glint of happiness in his eyes.

"I know I can't wait." He smiled. I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"I know you'll do well." I smiled and kissed his cheek. I smiled and walked away, towards the grave yard. I smiled as I sat on a small tome stone. I smiled as the wind blew my veil and (h/c) hair into my face. I move it behind my ear and look up at the moon. I looked back to town and saw everyone heading home. I guess I better head back soon too. I sigh and push myself off.

"For the bride." I looked up to see Jack gilding a small handful of flowers. I smiled and took them.

"There beautiful." I smiled.

"Just like you." He said, kneeling down to my height. I felt myself blush and he chuckled. He genitally picked me up and carried me back to his home. I smiled as he set me down on his bed and went to work, organizing something. I smiled at him and set my flowers down. I slow go over and hug his waist from behind. "Are you okay?" I nodded and closed my eyes slightly.

"Just happy." I smiled. He chuckled and cupped my face in his hands. He lowered himself slightly and kissed me softly, making me blush. He pulled away and picked me up, laying me down on his bed.

"Get some sleep." I nodded and yawn. I felt myself slowly slip into sleep.

Sorry if its bad I had no idea what to do for this one.


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