Male Snow White X Reader

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I sat on my house as I rod deeper and deeper into teh wood. I could hear my father trying to catch up to me. Yelling. My father, King (D/n) wanted to marry me off to some prince. I rode fater adn soon I lost him. I looked around and saw a small cottage. I trot over and saw a young man cleaning. Maybe he knew the way out teh forrest.

"Excuse me?" I say. He looked over and smiled. He put the broom he was using to one side adn came outside to me. "Do you know the way out of the forrest?" I asked. He frown.

"Sorry I dont." He said. I looked back and looked to the boy.

"Do you have some water?" I asked. He nodded adn went inside. I slid of my horse adn tie the rains to a tree branch. I turn around as the young man walked over holding a small cup of water.

"May I ask your name?" He asked while I quickly drnk the cold liquid.

"(Y/n). Princess (Y/n)." I smiled. "What is your name?" I asked.

"My name is Snow White. Call me Snow." He smiled.

"Your the prince." I smiled. He nodded adn chuckled. "Why dont you come inside for some pie. Freashly baked." I smiled adn nodded. I walked inside.


I had met the dwarfs adn smiled to them as they left the next day for work. I smiled as I helped Snow with the cleaning. He went to baking until some of the animals around went crazy towards an old lady. My horse tried to kick her. I hurried out and looked to her. I calmed my horse as Snow helped her with the other animals.

"Thank you. A gift for the hansom Prince." He handed Snow a beautiful red apple.

"An apple?" I asked, walking over.

"Not just any. One that will grant a single wish." She said. I saw Snows eyes light up. I watched him take it adn smiled at it. He closed his eyes before he took a bite. I heard the old woman laugh as Snow fell. I hurried over but was kick adn everything went black.


I woke up adn saw Doc.

"Wheres Snow?" I asked quickly. He looked down sadly.

"He..." He couldn't seem to answer. He motioned me to follow him. I did as he suggested and I followed him to a glass coffin surrounded by flowers. Snow laying inside the case. I teared up adn walked over. The dwarfs lifter the lid adn I sat at teh side. I frowned adn laen over and kissed him softly before getting up and wlking away.

"Wait (Y/n)." I looked over and saw Snow slowly sitting up adn looking over to me. He smiled adn got up, running over and scooping me into his arms. I smiled and he kissed me soflt.

I finally had my prince.

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