3| Money and alcohol, what could go wrong?

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When a person tells you a secret
honor it and never use it against them.

Anthony's POV

I stare at the girl I bumped into and ask my best friend, Michael, "Do you know her?"

Michael glances at her and laughs. "The girl who called you an asshole?"

"She wasn't wrong." My other friend Alessia adds.

I roll my eyes and wait for them to stop laughing.

"Her name is Kathy Miller. She was in one of my classes last year. Super sweet, but she's shy." Alessia explains.

"Really?" I ask.

"Just because she's shy doesn't mean she'll let assholes like you ruin her day," Michael says.

Alessia and Michael start talking about a different subject, so I tune them out. Kathy doesn't seem shy. There's something off about her. She did fake being afraid of me, which is odd. Or maybe you were just being an asshole? I could be just overthinking.

When it's time for class, I decide to skip it. I head to the library and sit at one of the tables in the corner.


You said you had Ms. Jones for English class, right?

Ya, why?

She's giving donuts to all her classes
So if you want one, I wouldn't skip

Why do you think I'm skipping?

After lunch, you went straight up the stairs toward the library. Why don't they ever question you going there? There's no reason for you to be there on the first day.

The librarian is my mom's best friend
She lets me get away with pretty much everything :)

It's not like I skip all the time. I always show up for the tests and do my homework. Teachers don't usually care as long as I turn in my work on time.


Remember, after school, we have to plan for tonight

Meet near the bleachers?



I meet up with Michael and say, "We have a shipment coming in tonight."

"What's the plan?" He asks.

"I think we should only bring Niki, Alessia, and Blue. Then, of course, Will will back us up if anything goes wrong." I explain.

"What time is the meetup?" He asks.

"They said around 11 at night," I say.

In the corner of my eye, I see Kathy put her hood up while walking on the sidewalk. "I have to go. We'll all meet at the base and go from there." I say, deciding to follow her.

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