4| No regerts.

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It's always the broken souls that
are always trying to help others.

Kathy's POV

Tonight is my last fight at Mystic Valley. Since I have a fight at 10 and it's only 9, I order some fries at the bar to celebrate.

Dan catches me before I slip into the back room and asks, "Eating before a fight?"

"If you're worried about me puking my guts after, I won't," I say. I offer him a fry, but he just shakes his head.

"Your loss," I say, shrugging. I walk back into the room and lock the door. I almost didn't want to fight tonight, but it's a full house, so hopefully, I'll make some extra money.

After munching on my fries, I grab my phone and open an app called Wattpad. I wish someone could suggest good books. I don't like scrolling for half an hour to find one.

This isn't a good book, so I'd exit right now. What are you talking about now? The readers. I sigh and ignore my thoughts. Please stop thinking about books. It's annoying now.

I glance at the clock and see it's already 9:57 pm. Woah! Time flew by... I unlock the door and head towards the ring.

"Next up is Killer Kat vs. The Executor!" The announcer shouts.

I adjust my mask and study my opponent. He quickly aims to punch my side, but I block his fist just in time. I'm guessing his strategy is to make quick moves so the opponent doesn't have time to recover. So I tire him out by making him move closer to me.

"Are you going to make a move or what?" He asks, irritated.

"Like this?" I ask, quickly kicking his rib and punching his face. He looks surprised, so I use this as an advantage. I promptly punch his face, and his lip starts to bleed.

"You little bitch. You're going to regret that." He says, lunging towards me.

I immediately moved to the side before he could hit me. With his back facing me, I kick the side of his head, and he blacks out.

"No regerts," I mumble, laughing at myself. One, it's regrets, and two, you're not funny.

"And the winner is Killer Kat!" Says the announcer. People start cheering while I collect my money. I meet up with Dan in the corner and hug him.

"I'm gonna miss you, kid." He says.

"I was your best fighter," I say, grinning.

He smiles sadly and says, "If you ever need anything or a gig for money, you have my number."

"I won't forget you, old man," I say.

"I know it's your birthday, so I thought I'd get you something." He says, handing me a card.

I read the card and gasped. "You didn't," I say. He ordered you the record player you wanted!

He laughs and says, "You deserve it. Just ask for Ben at the store, and he'll know."

I feel my eyes water but quickly blink them away. "Thank you," I say, giving him one last hug.

"Good luck out there." He says.

I nod and wave goodbye. When I leave the building with my backpack, I go for a walk. But since it's a little chilly, I try to jog to keep myself warm.

I jog towards the dock and admire the stars. I hear yelling but ignore it. It's probably some boat owners arguing about who gets to take control of a boat.

I remember one time, these people were cleaning their boats and getting ready to go home. But they kept arguing about how to tie the rope to make sure the boat didn't float away.

Long story short, while they were bickering, the boat drifted away from the dock. They had to jump into the freezing water to bring it back.

When I get closer to the dock, I see a large group of people. They look like they're just chilling near the boats, but one side takes out a gun.

I freeze and start turning around. We are not fucking dying on your birthday. I begin to run in the opposite direction but then scream when I feel a pain in my stomach. What the hell? Are you on your period?

I look down at my stomach and see myself losing a lot of blood! How did you get shot? There is no way I can run to the nearest hospital. Bitch, call for help!

I hear someone running in my direction and turn around. Are they from that group? I glance at them and mutter, "Fuck."

I quickly hobble away and try to find somewhere to hide. I turn around to see how close the shooter is, and the moonlight shines on their face.

I squint and see it's Anthony. What is he doing here? Scratch that. Who cares? Run! Ya, he's going to shoot me.

"Kathy?" He asks, putting his gun down. "Where did you get shot?"

"Nowhere. I'm fine. I don't need your help." I answer, afraid he might shoot me.

I keep looking forward and start seeing stars. Then all of a sudden, I become dizzy and can't see straight. Fuck. We're going to die.

My legs decide not to work, and I feel like I'm falling backward. What the fuck, legs? You had one job! Before I hit the ground, I fall into someone's arms.

They start carrying me, and I can't keep my eyes open. Actually, closing your eyes helps the pain a little. I feel so fucking dizzy and want to vomit.

I hear Anthony muttering things near my ear, "Kathy! Kathy, stay with me!" I was about to protest that I didn't need to be carried when I blacked out.


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Byeeeeeeeeee! 👋

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