13| I like you.

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I always smile like an
idiot when I talk to you.

Kathy's POV

I walk into the cafeteria and see Cece waiting for me at our table. "Hey!" I say, smiling.

"Hi! Did anything interesting happen today?" She asks.

"Just apartment hunting later today. Do you wanna come with me?" I ask.

"I wish! That sounds so fun, but I have a shift at 4." She says sadly.

When the bell rings, Cece and I separate. I walk into history class and sit in an empty seat. I put my backpack on the desk beside me and waited for the teacher to come in.

The teacher starts to teach after the second bell rings. Five minutes later, Anthony walks in, scanning the room. He spots me and smirks. Why is he late?

"Anthony, why are you late?" The teacher asks.

"I didn't feel like attending class, but now I'm here." He says.

The teacher sighs and says, "Go find an empty desk." She changes something on her computer and then continues teaching.

He starts walking in my direction, and I glance around at all the empty seats. Knowing he's probably not going to sit beside me, I continue to write down the notes. I hear the chair with my backpack scrape against the floor. Seriously?

"Hey, my stuff was sitting there," I say, placing my backpack beside my feet.

"Ya, now I'm sitting here." He says, grinning. I return to my notes when Anthony starts poking my arm.

"What do you want?" I ask, confused about why he's acting like this.

"Nothing!" He says, grinning. I hold in a smile and try to distract myself from his cute face. Keep your act together, geez!

I try focusing on the teacher, but he starts poking again. "Now, what do you want?" I ask, not turning in his direction.

"Nothing!" He says.

I roll my eyes but sneak a glance at his face. He makes a silly face, and I can't help but smile. His eyes look extra red. Maybe he's extra tired?

"Yay, you're smiling!" He says.

This time I turn to him and say, "Why do you sound so happy about that...?"

"Your smile is beautiful." He says softly. I feel my face flush and try to hide it behind my hair. "Your blushing is cute."

I laugh and say, "Stop doing that." I lightly hit his arm so that he could focus on the notes.

"Ow." He says.

"Anthony and Kathy, what are you guys talking about that is so important during my class." The teacher asks before I can come up with a response, and Anthony answers.

"Kathy's blushing is cute. But then she hit me." Anthony answers. People in class laugh, and my blush worsens. "See!" He says, pointing at my face.

I bow down on the desk and start banging my forehead against the desk.

"Stop talking. You can do that when class is over." The teacher says, turning back to the board and continuing with the lesson.

When class is over, I pack up my things. Then I grab Anthony's hand and drag him out of the classroom with me. Did he smoke pot before class? Never a bright idea unless you know how to still get through the day. I, unfortunately, get exhausted and start spacing out when I do that.

"Where are your friends?" I ask him.

"You're one of my friends..." He says, squeezing my hand. Ouch.

"I meant the people you usually hang out with at school..." I say, clarifying. "Your gang," I whisper.

"Oh ya! Michael gave me a chocolate brownie this morning! It was good!" Anthony says.

"Anthony, were they weed brownies?!" I ask, worried. He just shrugs. "You idiot," I say, surprised he didn't check before eating them. I spot his friends at the end of the hallway and drag Anthony with me. "Did you give him a brownie this morning?" I ask Michael.

"Ya..." He says, looking at me, then Anthony, and our hands. I quickly let go and subtly put some distance between us.

The girl beside him asks, "Wait, did you get brownies from the counter?" He nods, and the girl says, "Those had drugs! They weren't for you!"

"Well, now he's high. What am I supposed to do with him?" I ask.

"Get high with him?" Michael asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

I roll my eyes and say, "Does he always act weird when he's high...?"

"I don't know..." Michael says, unsure. "It's a rare occasion for him to be on something."

The girl gives me a sympathetic look and says, "Good luck..." They both walk away, and I shake my head.

"Okay, Anthony, where should we go? You can't act like this at school..." I say, thinking of somewhere to go. "You like treehouses?" I ask.

"Trees!" He says, smiling. Awww...

I smile and say, "Okay! Let's go."


"You're almost there!" I say while he's climbing up the ladder. I follow him up and sit on one of the beanbag chairs.

Anthony looks around, and I say, "I think I found an apartment. Fingers crossed, it looks as good as the photos!"

"Wanna know a secret?" He randomly asks, looking like he's about to fall asleep.

I softly smile and say, "Sure."

"I like you." He says. My eyes widen, and my head whips in his direction. But he already fell asleep.

He likes you! You guys should be a couple already! I smile but ignore what my brain is telling me.

He likes me? Didn't he just say that? He likes me! Yes, we got that. You like each other. Just date already!

I look at the time and see it's almost time for me to check out the apartment. I grab a sticky note and pen from my shelf and write a quick note.

You accidentally got high, so I brought you here. Then you fell asleep. I didn't want to wake you. ~Kathy

I place the sticky note on his forehead. Only logical spot.


Thanks for reading!

Hope to see you in the next chapter! 🙃

Byeeeeeeeeee! 👋

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