9| Please don't tell me you kidnapped her.

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A kind gesture can reach a wound
that only compassion can heal.

Anthony's POV

I glance at Kathy and try to convince myself she's just sleeping. She's fainted multiple times, but I think this time she's just sleeping. I try to focus on the road and pull up to the elementary school.

My sister, Jasmine, sees my car and waves bye to her friends. She hops in the back seat and notices the luggage. But she just scoots them over and buckles up.

"Hey, Thony!" She says, looking up.

"Hey, Jaz!" I say, smiling.

She notices Kathy and leans forward to see her face. "Who is she? She's pretty. Please don't tell me you kidnapped her." She says, sighing.

I keep my eyes on the road and say, "About that..."

"Thony!" She says, surprised.

"I'm kidding. She's my friend from school. She'll be staying with us for a little bit." I say.

"Why?" She asks curiously.

"She has to find an apartment, so I offered her to stay with us until then," I say.

"That's nice. You think she'll want to play tea party with me?" She asks.

"I don't know. We'll see." I say, chuckling.

"Guess what happened to me!" She says out of the blue. "While we were coloring, this guy took my sky blue crayon. But he already had that color on his desk. So I asked for it back politely. He still didn't give it back. I punched his shoulder and grabbed it. He was such a meanie!" She says, rolling her eyes.

"Good job," I say.

"Thank you." She says, flipping her hair off her shoulder.

I park inside our garage and turn off the engine. "When you get inside, don't blast the tv volume," I say.

She nods and unbuckles her seat. She quickly gets inside the house while I open Kathy's door. I carefully lift her and bring her inside.

I bring her to one of the guest rooms and lay her on the bed. After I tuck her in, I go back to the car. I grab her belongings and bring them to her room.

She doesn't stir, so I assume she'll be asleep for a few more hours. I make sure the bathroom has the essentials and place her medications on her side table. Then I bring her another bottle of water.

Kathy's POV

I wake up in a different room with a small lamp illuminating the room. Anthony left me a note beside my medication, and I popped some pills in my mouth before chugging the water.

You're safe in my home, and I want you to rest. Only take a shower if you know you can stay conscious the whole time. But feel free to holler if you need my company ;) ~Anthony

I let out a chuckle and slowly got off the bed. I walk towards my suitcases and grab a fresh pair of clothes. I walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror. Wow, you look so much worse than I imagined. Gee, thanks.

My bottom lip is almost healed, and the rest of my face looks normal. My neck scratches aren't too noticeable, but my hair is so oily and needs to be washed.

I slowly hop into the shower and try not to flinch when the water hits my wound. I relax when the water hits my back, thankful I can wash myself.

30 minutes later, I step out of the shower and wrap myself in a towel. I pat my wound dry and examine my whole body. Most of the bruises are yellowish, and most cuts have healed.

I stare at my reflection and start to believe Anthony is right. My body will look a lot better in a few weeks. Soon, I'll be looking at a bruise free Kathy. I've gotten so used to looking disgusting I can't help but smile at myself.

After I brush my teeth, I change and slip back into bed. I grab my phone off the side table and see it's 3 am. That's sweet, Anthony charged it for you. I place it back down and decide to go back to sleep. How the hell are you still tired?


Thanks for reading! 🙃

Byeeeeeeeeee! 👋

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