8| I watch my home become nothing but a blur.

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You have escaped the cage.
Your wings are stretched out.
Now fly.

Kathy's POV

We arrive at the front of Samuel's home, and I take a deep breath. "I'll go in with you, so you don't have to carry anything," Anthony says, grabbing his gun.

"Thanks, no need to worry about me. He shouldn't be home since his car isn't parked out there." I say, hoping it's truly empty.

Anthony sees my worried expression and grabs something from the back of his seat. He hands me a knife and says, "Just to be safe. I know you can rely on your street fighting skills, but you're not at 100% yet."

I nod, and Anthony offers me his arm while I slowly walk toward the front door. Good thing you took the medications. The pain is bearable now. I unlock it with my key, and we walk in together.

Anthony slowly checks the living room, dining room, and kitchen. "You stay down here. Let's not test the stairs." He says.

"Are you sure? What if he's upstairs?" I ask.

"I can always just knock him out." He says, shrugging.

I nod and say, "My room is the first one on the right. There are only two suitcases."

He creeps up the stairs, and I hear him open my door. I look around for the last time and try to remember everything. There was once a time when I was happy in this house with a happy family.

I hear the back door open and gasp. I hide behind a wall and see Samuel holding a beer. Of course, he is.

I feel my heart pound in my chest and tighten my hold on Anthony's knife. I hear him walk closer and try to hold my breath.

He staggers into the room I'm hiding in, and I hold in a scream. "Did you try running away from me? Because that was a foolish move. Even though you're a worthless piece of shit, I thought there would be a brain somewhere." He says, taking another sip of his drink.

He moves forward to punch my side, but I block his fist. I stab his side and shout, "Anthony!"

I see him at the bottom of the steps with my things, and he spots us. Samuel tries to punch my arm, but I use the knife as a shield.

He pulls his hand back and mutters, "Fucking bitch."

I try to run towards Anthony when Samuel harshly grabs my arm. Anthony shoots his gun, which causes Samuel to stumble backward. The bullet only grazed his arm, but it was enough for Samuel to get distracted.

Anthony shields me away from Samuel, and we try to run toward his car. He shoves my things in the back while I get inside the vehicle.

Anthony drives away, and I watch my home become nothing but a blur. Anthony makes a quick call, but I'm too distracted to eavesdrop.

We're going to be okay. I'll never have to return to that shit hole again. I'll never have to see his stupid face. And he'll never get to hurt me again.

I see my hands shaking, so I turn them into fists. Tears start rolling down my cheeks, and I feel Anthony's eyes on me. He pulls over and holds both my hands.

"You're okay. You made it." He says, trying to comfort me.

"I never thought I would ever get to leave that place alive." I sob quietly. I always assumed we'd die in the ring or he would kill us.

"And yet here you are," Anthony says, wiping my tears away. "I will make sure he never lays a hand on you again. I didn't seriously injure him, but I'll have someone rough him up for you. A few punches and kicks won't kill that bastard."

He pulls me into a hug and holds me until I stop shaking. "Thank you," I whisper. He cradles the back of my head and I feel peace in his arms.


Thank you for reading this chapter! 💕

Byeeeeeeeeee! 👋

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