7| I would have done this for anyone.

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People can say they care,
but it means nothing
until they prove it.

Kathy's POV

I wake up and yawn. Time for school. I look at the ceiling and realize this isn't my room. I turn my head and see Anthony sleeping on the couch.

Awww, he stayed. I assumed he was gonna leave after we finished watching the movie. I think about waking him up and decide not to. I can get an Uber to school.

I slowly slip out of bed and let out a little grunt. I push through the pain and stand up with the bed's support.

I hear Anthony stir and see him start to wake up. He glances at me and huskily says, "Good morning." Fuck, that was hot... Shut up!

"Hi..." I say, waving.

"Are you sure you should be standing?" He asks.

"Well, today is Monday, and we have school," I say.

He nods and closes his eyes. "I can drive you." He says.

"Really?" I ask. He doesn't respond, so I poke him. "Anthony?"

He starts to snore, and I bite back a smile. He's helped me enough. I don't need to drag him to school. I grab my backpack and decide I'll change at school. I have makeup and a change of clothes for emergencies.

I look around the hall, not knowing which way the exit is. I use the wall as support and start moving slowly. I feel dizzy again and make a mental note to take medicine later. The pain in my stomach still hurts like a bitch, but I'm sure I'll get used to it.

Why is this place so fucking huge? Do you know what else is huge? Seriously?

"Kathy?" I hear Anthony shout.

I turn around and say, "Just trying to find the exit..." I turn back around, and the pain in my abdomen becomes unbearable. My legs start to feel like jelly, so I lean against the wall to keep myself stable.

I hear Anthony walking closer, and he sees me starting to fall sideways. I thought you were supposed to fall into a sitting position against the wall. That hurts my stitches.

Anthony tries to keep me upright and starts saying something. But I can't decipher what he's saying and feel my eyes roll back.

Anthony's POV

Kathy starts to fall sideways, so I try to keep her up. "Kathy? Are you okay? What's wrong?" I ask, seeing her eyes roll back.

I carefully carry her back to the bed and lay her down. I call the doctor and lift her shirt to see her stitches.

"What's wrong?" She asks when she answers the call.

My eyes widen at the blood, and I say, "I think there's something wrong with her stitches. Her bandage is covered in blood. She's also unconscious again. I don't know how long she's been bleeding."

"I'm on my way." She responds, ending the call.

A few minutes later, she arrives and fixes the stitches. She needed a blood transfusion and an iv drip because she was dehydrated.

"She'll have to stay in bed for a few more days. Her body isn't strong enough to walk, let alone go to school." She explains.

After fixing her wound, she says, "This girl seems to mean a lot to you."

"What are you talking about?" I ask. I would have done this for anyone. No, you wouldn't have. Lalala can't hear you.

"If you find someone very special to you, don't let that person go." She says.

She starts to leave and stops at the door. "Make sure she doesn't move too much. She should be resting. When she wakes up, make her drink some more water. It's also better to take medication on a full stomach."

"Thank you," I say, staring at Kathy's pale face.

"Take good care of her." She says, walking away.

"I will," I murmur.

Kathy's POV

I wake up and see an IV in my arm. Oh shit, a fucking needle. I look away and try to distract myself. I thought I was going to school.

I lift my shirt and see I got a new bandage. The door opens, and I see Anthony walk in. "What time is it? Is it too late to go to school?" I quickly ask.

"Relax. I had some people collect the work you missed. Did you know I'm in some of your classes?" He asks.

"No, and why did you do that?" I ask. He doesn't even know me, so why would he go through all that work? He looks taken aback by my question but quickly comes up with an answer.

"Because." He says, shrugging.

"Because...?" I ask, still waiting for an answer.

"Because I said so." He says. This boy...

I roll my eyes and ask, "What happened?"

"You fainted because your wound opened up. You lost a lot of blood, and the doctor gave you a blood transfusion. That reminds me, you need to drink more water." He says.

"I'll be back." He says, exiting the room.

He returns with a bottle of water, crackers, and some bread. "Thank you for all of this," I say, taking a few sips of water.

I sit up slightly enough not to choke when I eat. Anthony and I talk while I eat, and when I finish, I realize I probably look disgusting.

"Do you think there's a way I can grab my stuff? Before I left for my fight, I already had everything packed. I feel gross and need a shower." I say awkwardly.

"If it helps you feel better, you don't look ugly." He says.

I laugh and say, "Wow. You really know how to make a girl feel special. Thank you."

He softly smiles and says, "I try."

I slowly get out of bed, but before I can even touch the ground, Anthony swoops me up into his arms.

"Uhh... What are you doing?" I ask.

"Carrying you." He says in a duh tone.

"Why are you carrying me?" I ask. I'm pretty sure I can walk. No, you can't bitch.

"You need to rest." He says.

I look at his face and realize he's not going to put me down. "Okay. Your choice. I won't stop you." I say. I snuggle into his arms because all of a sudden, I feel cold. Sure... It's true!

He walks through all these hallways and makes a billion turns. We finally reach a garage, and I see 10 different types of cars! Look at those motorcycles!

He gently lays me down on the seat, and then he starts the car. We get to the end of the road, and the gate opens. Damn, so he's rich rich.


Thanks for reading! 💖

I know it changes the point of view a lot, but it'll happen like three more times in the book! 😅

Byeeeeeeeeee! 👋

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