Sleepover with One Direction (Chapter 1)

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A/N Hey guys. Hope you enjoy. Thank you. Please vote and comment <3


Most girls would dream of being able to have a sleepover with One Direction but not me. As long as I was here they were in danger. I was being hunted. They were coming to kill me and anyone who got in their way. No one knows exactly who they are hence why we either call them they or them. I didn’t choose to be their next victim. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. 

My name is Zelia Grey. I live with my mother and sister Leah in London. My father left us when Leah was born. I don’t remember much from back then, I was only 4. I’ve lived in the same suburb, same street, same house all my life and nothing out of the ordinary has every happened. That was until yesterday. 

“Harry! Give me back my carrot!”Louis screamed across the room. Yep thats right I’ve  only been staying at One Directions apartment since last night but I already feel like part of the family. This isn’t necessarily a good thing because I know I will have to leave them if they want to stay alive.

“Never!” Harry screamed back. I couldn’t help but laugh. Just then Niall walked into the room looking very flustered. 

“I can’t find where I left my box of coco-pops,” he cried. It was then that I realized what I had been sitting on. I slowly lifted up the box and held it up for Niall to see. His faced dropped and Louis and Harry burst out laughing. “Sorry,” I mumbled trying to hold back the laughter. Zayn walked into the room and took one look at the expression on Niall’s face and the squashed coco-pops and burst out laughing. I couldn’t back my giggles anymore. I burst out laughing and ended up falling off the couch and rolling on the floor. Yes I was rofling. I got up to see everyone staring a me.

“What?” I asked.

“I haven’t seen you that happy since you arrived,” Louis stated. 

“I like happy Zelia,” Zayn said. I wish I could be happy Zelia forever but I knew there was no chance. I was saved from having to say anything when Paul walked through the door and announced that the police had gotten most of the fans to leave. I jumped up and practically sprinted for the door. The sooner these boys could be out of danger the better. I put my hand on the door handle before I was tackled to the ground.

“You weren’t just going to leave us were you?” Louis said pretending to cry.

“Um... of course not,” I said

“Then why were you about to open the door?” Liam asked

“Ok you caught me. I was about to leave and never come back.”

“What?” All 5 boys screamed. Over the night I had learnt a lot about these boys and they had learnt a lot about me. They knew I had graduated and was on a gap year. They knew about my family and my life and school. They knew about my pet fish that died when I was 10. They knew more about me than a lot of people did. I don’t know what is was about them but when they asked my mouth just spat out the answer. The one thing they didn’t know was what had happened before they had saved me from them. I thought it was safer if they didn’t know. That way they would never be able to track them through me. The boys had asked about what had happened but I always brushed it of or changed the subject. 

“Why were you going to do that?” Niall asked clearly sad that I was just going to leave forget about them. 

“It’s not that I don’t like you guys, I do. It’s just that you guys aren’t safe around me.” I mumbled the later part.

“What do you mean not safe?” Liam asked.


“Does this have anything to do with what happened last night?” Zayn asked.


“ZELIA!” they shouted in unison.

“Ok ok yes” I responded.

“Who were those guys attacking you?”

“I can’t tell you,” I mumbled.

“Thats bullshit Zelia and you know it!” Harry yelled.

“Who are they?” Zayn yelled.

“I don’t know exactly. I just know they’re dangerous and as long as you are near me they won’t think twice about killing you.” I mumbled. I was surprised at how calm I was being. 2 days ago if someone had told me I was going to be hunted by them I would probably have screamed and started crying. I don’t think the reality of what had happened  had sunk in yet. 

Just then Liam’s phone rang. He answered it and immediately started rambling on about some recording/interview/concert. All the boys forgot me as Liam started shouting at the person on the other end of the phone. Liam put it on speaker so everyone could listen. It was their management. I saw my opportunity to get away and I took it. I opened the door and sprinted out of the apartment. The elevator had just arrived. I jumped in and frantically pushed the ground button. I could hear the boys calling after me as the lift started to drop. I let out a sigh of relief. I was away from them. They were safe for now.“

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