We're going to the seaside (Chapter 11)

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A/N Selamat Siang!!! Thats Indonesian for Good day. And what a good day it is. I have decided to upload another chapter. Whats that you say 2 chapters in one day? Yes I know it's unheard of for me but I was in a good mood and i'm going to be busy the rest of the weekend so I thought I would just give you two. Since I last updated I now have 99 fans. Yes thats right I can't believe it. I just need one more and then I reach my goal. MY GOAL OF 100!!!! Crazy to think that a month ago I just started out on wattpad. Well anyway I'm going to say what I always say at the end of my authors notes which is read or in indonesian membaca. Thank you again to all my fans and everyone who reads my story!!!! Love you all. <3 

P.S Thats Rae in the sidebar >>>>>>>


Niall’s Pov

I finally reached the cafe after taking a few wrong turns along the way. I opened the door to hear the usual ring of the bell. The place was empty which was perfect. Suddenly I heard footsteps coming towards me. Aargh stupid bell telling everyone I was here. I quickly opened the door and let it slam shut as I ducked behind one of the booths in the back. A puzzled looking waiter appeared and took one look at the door before walking back into the kitchen mumbling something about stupid customers. I let out a sigh of relief before jumping up out of my hiding place and starting to explore. 

I looked behind the counter and in all the cupboards but I couldn’t find anything that could have made Zelia want to leave so suddenly. I decided I was going to have to dig deeper. I tiptoed into the kitchen being careful not to make a sound. I was about halfway across the kitchen when I bumped into something or someone. 

“What do you think your doing in here?” An angry looking chef asked me.

“Um... I was wondering if um...” I tried to think of an excuse but when nothing else came to mind I ended up just speaking the truth. “I’m a friend of Zelia’s and when I saw her run out of here in such a hurry I came back to find out what happened.” I said slowly.

“Oh yeah I saw her rush out as well. I’m not supposed to let customers into the kitchen but come on we’ll go someplace we can talk. Oh I’m Jack by the way.” Jack said extending his arm out to me. I shook his hand and replied.


“Well then Niall follow me.”  Jack led me in to a food storage cupboard where we both crammed inside. “I saw Zelia rush out of here this morning so I went in to ask Marcus  (my boss) why she’d left. He said she hadn’t been feeling well and then when I said she’d seemed fine this morning he said I should have seen her face when she came in to talk to him. Apparently it was ghostly pale and so Marcus immediately said she could leave.” Jack managed to get out in one breath. Well that confirms my suspicions that something must have spooked Zelia. 

“Thank you.” I said opening the door of the storage cupboard.

“No problem, I hope I helped. Zelia’s like a little sister to me and you seem like a nice guy so I’m glad she has you as a friend.” Jack smiled. I couldn’t help but think about what she had said this morning about not wanting to see me again. Before I could dwell on my thoughts Jack pushed past me and into the kitchen. “Well Niall you better get out of the kitchen now before my boss comes in and finds you.” Jack laughed.

“Thank you Jack. You were a big help.” I said in a fake cheerful tone. 

“Bye Niall. Hopefully I’ll see you round again.” Jack said as I left the kitchen. He seemed like a great guy, someone who could always make you smile, a bit like Louis I guess. I was just rounding the corner out of the kitchen when I noticed the glass cabinet where the cakes were held was half open. Stupid people, don’t they know that will make the cake go stale. I walked over to shut it but stopped dead in my tracks. Written in frost upon the glass was a message. I instantly knew what had scared Zelia into leaving the cafe. As I read over the message again I realized just what it meant. The reason Zelia had run away from me. I was the blond one who wasn’t allowed to know. 

Zelia’s Pov

By the time I got home it was starting to get dark. When I opened the door I found Rae sitting on the couch with Leah watching some kind of chick flick. 

“Rae!” I shouted running over to her. It felt like I hadn’t seen her in ages when in all reality it had just been last night. 

“Hey Zia!!” Rae shouted using my nickname she’d made up when we were 10. 

“I thought you were angry at me for leaving the club.” I said suddenly confused.

“Oh I was angry but then when Leah told me who you had left with I understood your motives.” She smirked. My motives? I stood there confused until I realized what Leah must have told her. I hadn’t actually told Rae about my encounter with One Direction yet because she was just as big a fan as Leah and I knew she would freak out. 

“Oh I didn’t have any motives they just asked me to come back with them because they wanted to talk about the other week when I met them.” I said calmly waiting for the screaming. Sure enough it came.

“OMG YOU’VE KNOWN ONE DIRECTION FOR A WEEK AND YOU DIDN’T BOTHER TO TELL ME!!!! I THOUGHT WE WERE BEST FRIENDS!!!” Rae screamed but not in a mean way. “CAN I MEET THEM PLEASE!!!” She screamed again doing the puppy dog face. 

“First of all stop screaming. Second of all you know that face doesn’t work on me. And third I don’t want to see them again so I’m sorry but no you can’t meet them.” I stated listing them off on my fingers. 

“Why in the world wouldn’t you want to see the 5 hottest people in the world again?” Rae said sounding concerned. Rae didn’t know about them because I knew if I told her she would freak out and try and beat them up by herself and also if she knew then she would suddenly become a target. As much as I wanted to protect my family and Rae by leaving them behind so they could go on a live their lives I knew it was impossible. I couldn’t leave them, they were my everything. So because I loved her I had to lie.

“Zelia, are you going to answer my question?” Rae asked looking at me expectantly. 

“I just don’t think it’s wise. I mean if they see us hanging out with them we will start to get hate and I don’t think I could deal with that.” I mumbled. Rae the great friend that she is accepted my opinion and changed the subject. 

“Well I actually came round to invite you to come to the seaside this weekend. My mum said you could come and stay with us at the cottage.” She said smiling sweetly. I couldn’t remember a summer where I hadn’t gone and stayed with Rae and her family. 

“Of course. I’d love to come.” I screamed excitedly.

“Great i’ll call you tonight with details.” Rae said as I hugged her. We said our goodbyes and before long I was back inside watching Mean Girls with Leah. 

Niall’s Pov

After I’d seen the message on the glass cabinet I’d run home straight away. I was now sitting in my bed trying to figure out what to do. The person who left the message was obviously the same person hunting Zelia. Is hunting the right word? I don’t know it sounds awfully scary but Zelia had seemed spooked when I’d been running after her. Before I could dwell anymore my stomach rumbled. I looked at the clock in shock. It was almost dinner time and I hadn’t even eaten lunch. This was unheard of for me. 

As I walked into the kitchen I immediately headed over to the fridge. I had my head in the fridge when Liam and the rest of the boys came running through the door. Niall’s chorused all around the room.

“Hey man where’ve you been?” Harry asked patting me on the back

“We texted you at least 100 times.” Louis said pushing me out of the way to find something to eat.

“I went for a walk. Where’ve you guys been?” I asked now confused as to where they would go without me. 

“Paul called us and requested a meeting right away. Since we couldn’t find you we headed over to the studio where Paul told us that-” Liam was interrupted by Louis  and Harry screaming. 


OOohh the seaside. She sells seashells by the seashore!!! Wow even typing that is like a tongue twister or more like a finger twister. Ok well I'll try to update soon. xx

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