I want to change your mind (Chapter 15)

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A/N Bom Dia!!!! Hello dear people!!! First off I will apoligize for not updating in forever!!!! So sorry <3 I have been so busy with the last few weeks of school before holidays and I just have not had the time to write. Second I would like to say a huge thank you to all my 201 fans!!! I love you guys and you all mean so much to me!!! Third the picture in the sidebar is a photo my friend @foreveryoung_99 and I found. We laugh every single time we see it and we really want to know who the blonde women sitting below Louis and Eleanor is!!!! So if you have any information on who this lady is please comment below and tell us!!! Wow it sounds like some kind of crime stoppers ad. *This man was seen robbing a bank so if you see him please let us know at the number below* HAhahaha well anyway thank you for all the reads and votes and comments. If you hadn't guessed already the language of the day was Portugese so with that I will say adeus my dear baby potatoes!!!! xx


Niall Pov

I was still recovering from what Zelia had told me. I’d known she was in trouble but this was worse than what I had expected. I still can’t get over the fact she was being hunted by a bunch of guys who murdered creatures for a living. So maybe those creatures were monsters and killed as well but it still seemed wrong. The other thing that still hadn’t sunk in properly was the fact vampires and werewolves and who knows what else were wandering the streets. Just thinking about it sent shivers down my spine. I’d probably stay in bed all day hiding from the world if it wasn’t for Zelia. I knew I had to get up and convince her not to leave. That kiss we had shared last night  wouldn’t be the last one because I had a plan.

“Niall get your lazy ass out of bed!” Louis screamed from downstairs.

“Coming!” I shouted back. As I got up I instantly smelt pancakes. I sprinted down the last few steps and practically pushed Harry off his chair so I could sit down at the table. 

“Hey!” Harry yelped rubbing his sore bum.

“Sorry it was a life or death situation!” I smirked. Harry just rolled his eyes and moved around to the seat on the opposite side. As soon as Liam put the stack of pancakes down in front of me I grabbed six. I smothered them in maple syrup and shoved them down my throat in record time. 

“Woah Niall what’s got you in such a hurry?” Liam asked sitting down next to me as I got up.

“I bet it has something to do with Zelia.” Harry winked. I could feel my cheeks going red.

“Aww has wittle Nialler got a cwush!!” Louis mocked. I ignored them and ran up the stairs and jumped into the shower. As soon as I was out I put on the first pair of board shorts I could find and ran my fingers through my hair. I grabbed my phone as I ran out of the house. I checked the time, 2:30 pm before walking over to the cottage Zelia was staying at. I took a deep breath before bringing my hand up and knocking on the door.

Zelia’s Pov

I heard someone knock at the door before the screaming started. 

“LUCY GET THE DOOR!!!” I heard Jack shout.

“NO I ALWAYS HAVE TO DO IT!!!!” Lucy shouted back as annoying as ever.

“JACOB GET THE DOOR!!!” Jack shouted again. God how hard was it to get up and answer it and what was with all the shouting?

“I CAN’T I’M ON THE TOILET!!!!” Jacob shouted back in his cute little voice.

“EW JACOB!!! TO MUCH INFORMATION!!” Lucy and Willow screamed.


“LUCAS! WE DO NOT USE THAT KIND OF LANGUAGE IN THIS HOUSE!!!” Rae’s mum Cindy screamed back.

“SORRY MUM!” Lucas yelled. 

“MUM WE’RE OUT OF TOILET PAPER!!!” Jacob screamed.

“THERE IS SOME IN THE CUPBOARD ABOVE THE SINK HAVE A LOOK!!” Cindy replied. I swear I was going to be deaf by the end of the holiday. Another knock came at the door. Oops we’d completely forgot about the poor person at the door. Without waiting for the bickering over who was going to answer it to start again I walked out of Rae’s and my room and opened the door. Of course it just so happened to be the one person I didn’t want to see right now. I was so confused after last night. I knew I had to leave but my heart told me to stay. Aargh!!! While I was having this battle in my brain Niall just stood there looking at me with a small smile on his lips.

“Zelia. Zelia. Zelia?” He asked.

“Oh yeah sorry. Um what did you want?” I inquired.

“I was wondering if you were going to be coming down to the beach anytime soon?” 

“Um I was going to maybe later.... why?” I asked.

“I want to change your mind about leaving!” He said cheerfully. Without thinking I slammed the door shut in his face. Realizing what I’d done I immediately opened it up again with an apologetic look.

“Sorry about that but you can’t change my mind.” I mumbled.

“Please just one day! That’s all I ask for.” He pleaded. As I looked into his eyes I almost melted on the spot. How could I say no to him? 

“Fine.” I sighed in defeat. 

“Ok see you in 15!” Niall replied cheerfully walking down onto the beach. Damn this adorable boy and his stupid puppy dog face. 

“RAE WHO WAS AT THE DOOR?” Jack shouted at me.



I hurriedly ran into my room and started throwing bikinis everywhere trying to find my favorite one. I finally found it at the bottom of the draw. It was a white and gold bandeau style one that fit me perfectly. I quickly put it on and grabbed my sunglasses, towel and a dress to throw over the top.

“GUYS I’LL BE AT THE BEACH IF YOU NEED ME!!!” I shouted and ran out the door not waiting for a reply. I ran down to Niall who was sitting on a towel in the sand strumming a tune to his guitar. I plonked myself down on the towel spraying sand in all directions. I started to laugh when I saw Niall’s face. Before long we were both in hysterics. When we finally stopped we sat in silence. 

“Last one in the water is a rotten egg.” I yelled breaking the silence and jumping up. I sprinted down to the water’s edge as Niall tackled me under. 

“Niall Horan you are so going to pay for that!” I yelled once I resurfaced. I started splashing him and before long we had a full on water fight going. After about 10 minutes Niall finally gave in and stopped splashing therefore making me the winner.

“I WIN!!! I WIN!!! BOW DOWN TO THE NEW QUEEN OF WATER FIGHTS!” I commanded pushing Niall down onto his knees. As I looked down at him he grabbed my waist and pulled me down into the water with him.

“Ok Zelia you said I could have one day to change your mind about leaving right?” He asked suddenly serious. 

“Yes why?” I questioned raising my eyebrows. 

“Well I think I have a solution to your problems. One question and then I’ll never bother you again if you say no.”


“Come on tour with us? You would be putting your family out of danger as well as Rae. We’d be moving around a lot so they won’t be able to find you so easily and as for me and the boys safety, well we have tons of body guards so they shouldn’t be able to hurt us. I know it’s crazy but what do you say?” 


Oooh what's she going to say?? Yes or No? Hopefully I will be able to update within the next week and if not then I apologize in advance Now remember if you know who the lady in the sidebar picture is please please comment below!!! Obrigado or Thank you!!! <3

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