What happened that night (Chapter 14)

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A/N Góður Dagur. Oooo what language is that??? Ok I'll give you a clue: It starts with I and ends in celandic. *Plays game show music* *Cue anouncer voice* What is your answer going to be? Are you sure? I'm sorry the answer was not Idfjldskfjcelandic it was Icelandic. You won't be going home with the brand new car tonight. Well anyway I finally got off my lazy @ss and wrote another chapter. Ok so I really like this chapter because you finally find out what happened to Zelia the night she ran into THEM and what she overheard. Yes I made my decision about whether THEY are going to be mafia or supernatural hunters. NO I will not tell you what I picked you must read and find out yourself you lazy potatoe. Oh I almost forgot I also want to say Þakka þér to everyone who read my story. I have over 1000 reads. Still can't quite believe it. Thanks for commenting, voting and fanning as well. Makes my day xx

Hehe Oh and the picture in the sidebar is One Directions new cover for their album Take me Home. Lol Liam and Louis look like Jack and Rose from the Titanic. I'll never let go Jack/Louis. Oh Rose/Liam. Am I confusing you? Well I apologise and to make up for it I wil just stop typing. xx


Zelia’s Pov

NO NO NO!!!!! Damn it!!!! To be honest I’m more angry at myself for not making a bigger effort to stay away than I am scared about them. Aargh why didn’t I just move to Mexico and change my name. I could have avoided all of this and then Niall wouldn’t be in danger. Niall must have seen the pissed off look on my face because when he spoke his voice sounded as though he was tying to calm down a dog. 

“Zelia? Are you ok?”  I took a deep breath to calm myself before replying. 

“I’m fine.” I lied. 

“Don’t lie to me Zelia. I know your in some kind of trouble and I want to help. Please stop lying to me and just tell me the truth.” Niall pleaded. 

“It’s to dangerous.” I mumbled.

“I don’t care Zelia. Let me help you! Please.”  I turned away from him then and started to walk out to the beach. I could sense Niall behind me. Once I reached the sand I curled up into a ball and put my head in my knees. I felt Niall sit down next to me and start rubbing circles on my back.

“Shhh Zelia don’t cry. Shh.” He whispered. Thats when I broke down. I’d been strong for this long but it was becoming to much. They were finally getting to me. 

After what felt like hours I ran out of tears. I sniffled and wiped my nose into my sleeve in a very un lady like manner. Through my melt down Niall had sat next to me rubbing circles into my back. As I looked up into his eyes I saw concern and worry. Niall cared about me and the least I could do was give him some answers. So I told him the truth. 

“The day you found me as you already know I was being chased. By who I don’t exactly know. No one knows who they are everyone just calls them they or them. I was being chased because I had heard to much.” I looked at him waiting for the signal to continue. When he stayed quiet and just nodded his head I continued to spill my story. 

-Flashback to the night it all started-

“Ok Zelia you can go now.” Marcus called out as he locked his office. I’d been here for over 5 hours and I was exhausted. I untied my apron and put it on the hook in the kitchen before walking out and saying my goodbyes.

“See ya Jack. Bye Marcus.” I yelled as I opened the door and the bell above went off. As I walked out I was shocked by how dark it was. I hadn’t realized how late it had gotten. I started to walk towards the end of the street when I saw the alley. The alley every child had been warned to never go down. The alley where it was said a girl had been stabbed. But I was running late and I needed a shortcut. Without thinking properly I started to walk down the alley almost instantly regretting my choice. I was about to turn back when I heard voices. Voices that make you want to go and hide in a hole and not come out. Voices that send shivers down your spine with every word. The voices of them. Of course it wasn’t the alley people were afraid of exactly it was the people who hung out in it. I knew then I was trapped. They would hear me if I tried to escape and see me if I tried to make it to the other end of the alley. I had no choice but to stay hidden behind the bin I was currently using as a cover. Without meaning to I started to listen to what the voices were saying. 

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