We will find you (Chapter 2)

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A/N Here's the next chapter! Enjoy. <3


I sprinted out of the elevator and out of the apartment building. I hailed down a cab like a pro since I didn’t have my own car I was always catching taxis. I hopped in and gave my address. As the driver started to drive off I turned around and looked back at the building I had just left. The boys were running out of the building and I ducked down under the window when they spotted me. I started to cry. It was finally sinking in. I was to be murdered and they weren’t going to stop until I was. I was going to have to move away. I couldn’t put my family and friends in danger. I looked out the window for the last time before closing my eyes. I was doing this for them. To keep them safe. 

I arrived at my house and walked through the door to find my mum and sister weeping on the sofa. 

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Zelia! Your ok!” My mum shouted wrapping her arms around me. I had completely forgotten to call her and tell her I was trapped with One Direction. I quickly explained the whole story to her leaving out the part where they were hunting me. Leah still hasn’t gotten over the fact that I spent the night with One Direction.

“Omg what were they like? Are they cuter in person? Aarrgh I’m so jealous,” Leah screamed. I couldn’t help but laugh at how excited she was. 

“They were great Leah. Even hotter in person!” I said through giggles.

“Can you introduce me?” She asked. I knew I couldn’t say no because then Mum and Leah would know there was something wrong. 

“Um... sure. If I see them again,” I mumbled.

“What do you mean IF I see them again?” Leah quizzed.

“Oh... you know they’re really busy and that so they might not have time to catch up.” I quickly covered up. This hiding them from my family thing was going to be harder than I thought. 

-1 week later-

I was living life to the max. Doing things I never would have dreamed of. I only had a limited number of days left and I planned on spending them well. I had been bungee jumping which had scared the shit out of me but been worth it seeing the look on Mum’s face when I made it back up. Now I was going clubbing with my best friend Rae. I had on a white strapless dress from Abercrombie and Fitch with a blue bow around my waist. I had paired it with a pair of pale blue heels. Rae was wearing a short grey dress with pastel pink heels. We looked pretty damn good. I said goodbye to Mum and ran out the door.

Niall’s Pov.

I couldn’t stop thinking about Zelia. We had been searching for her for the past week and we had finally found her address in the phone book. We were planning on going and visiting tonight. I just hoped she wouldn’t slam the door in our faces. I don’t understand why she had run off but I knew it had something to do with the people who had been attacking her before we found her. They seemed dangerous. I don’t know what Zelia had gotten herself into but I just hope it doesn’t get her killed. I knew I couldn’t stop thinking about her and I’m pretty sure the other boys liked her too. I mean can you blame us she was gorgeous and she had a great personality. 

“Harry where did you put the carrot I left on the bench?” Louis moaned for the 4th time. 

“I haven’t touched the bloody thing!” Harry yelled back frustrated.

“Would you to please calm down we have business to settle.” Liam yelled over the top of all the noise Louis was now making.

“Yeah, we have to go see Zelia.” I shouted before instantly regretting it.

“Niall what’s that stuck in your braces?” Harry asked. Shit I had forgotten to get rid of the evidence that I had eaten Louis’s last carrot. 

“Um.. nothing,” I mumbled while trying to hide my teeth. 

“Nope that looks a lot like carrot to me. What do you think Louis?” Harry asked while grinning evilly. I didn’t have time to respond before Louis jumped on top of me. 

“Why’d you eat my baby?” Louis whimpered into my ear.

“I couldn’t help myself. I was starving and it was right there.” I laughed. 

“Do you think this is funny Mr Horan?” Louis asked in a posh English accent. 

“No sir. Not at all sir.” I managed to choke out before going into another round of hysterics. 

Louis got of me and jumped onto Harry’s lap. Oh Larry Stylinson. Their friendship never ceased to amaze me. Just then Zayn walked in with a comb and mirror in hand. God that boy was so vain. Before I could tease him Liam spoke up.

“Ok we are leaving for Zelia’s house now. Please try not to embarrass me.” We all laughed at Daddy Direction but headed out the door. 

“Shotgun!” Louis screamed. Damn it I hated siting in the back. We all piled into the car. Harry driving, Louis next to him and me squashed in between Liam and Zayn in the back. Harry started the car and set GPS for Zelia’s house. The voice on that thing always made me laugh. 

“Turn left in 100 meters.” the voice said. I started laughing for the 10th time since we got into the car.

“Seriously Niall it’s not that funny.” Zayn complained next to me. I started to argue but Harry cut us all off. 

“We have arrived at our destination.” He said in sync with the GPS. We all piled out of the car. I was the first to walk down the little path to Zelia’s door followed by Louis, Harry, Zayn and then Liam. 

“Are you ready?” I asked before knocking on the door. The boys nodded. I banged on the door 3 times before it was opened by a middle aged woman who must have been Zelia’s mum. 

“Hi we were wondering if Zelia was here?” I asked her mother in my politest voice. 

“And who might you lot be?” She asked. Before I could answer a young girl about 15 ran up behind her mother and screamed. This must be Leah, Zelia’s younger sister. 

“ONE DIRECTION!!” She screamed again. She immediately flung herself out the door but not before her Mum put a hand in front blocking her. 

“Leah calm down and go back into the living room!” Her mother said sternly. Leah stomped away but not before blowing kisses at us. I chuckled softly. “Well now I know who you are what have you come to see Zelia about?” she asked. 

“We were wondering if she was here then maybe we could talk.” Liam says.

“Oh how rude of me. Sorry I should have told you. Zelia’s not here right now she’s out clubbing with her friend Rae.” 

“What club is she at maybe we could catch her?” Zayn asks obviously looking for an excuse to go clubbing.

“Um.. I think it’s called Full moon or Blood moon or B-”

“Blue moon?” Louis and Harry say in sync. 

“Yes that’s the one,” her mother replies. 

“Well it was nice meeting you Ms Grey but I think we have a club to go to now.” Liam says politely before shaking Ms Grey’s hand. 

“No problem boys. It was nice meeting you!” she says before closing the door. I smile as we walk back out to the car. It looks like we need to go get dressed up. We have a club to go to. 

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