See You Later Alligator (Chapter 19)

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A/N γειά σου!!!! What country sounds like the word for an oily or fatty matter. If you didn't guess the answer was Greece which is what the language of the chapter is!! Ok I'm soooooo sorry for the really long update but school has been really busy and I haven't had a chance to sit down and just write! I know I said this chapter the tour would start but I may have told a tiny white lie as it doesn't really start in this chapter :( Sorry again. I hadn't written this chapter when I gave you that piece of false information so please forgive me! Lol write now I can hear these guys outside my house talking about ding dong ditching or knick knocking or whatever you want to call it when someone rings your doorbell and runs away. I think they were planning on doing it to my house but now since I eavesdropped on their conversation or as I like to call it evesdropped because my name is Eve.... yeah lame pun forget I said that.... their plans have been ruined as I know it will be them and there is no fun in ringing a doorbell and running if the people know it's you. Ok well that whole however many words was pretty pointless so I'm just going to go on to say Thank you for reading, voting, fanning, commenting and adding this story to your reading lists. απολαύσετε (Enjoy) xx 


Zelia’s Pov 

As soon as I yelled out my Mum and sister came running and tackled me into a hug. 

“I missed you Zia!” My mum said pulling out of the hug and looking at me as though it may be the last time she’d ever get to see me.  

“I missed you too Mum!” I replied before pulling her into another hug. 

“How was it?” Leah asked speaking up for the first time since I’d seen her. 

“Amazing! The One Direction boys were staying in the cottage right next to ours!” 

“NO WAY!!! Why do your paths keep crossing? No fair I want to hang out with them!” Leah moaned. 

“Leah stop complaining!” My mum laughed hollowly before picking up my suitcase and indicating for us to follow her into the kitchen. I quickly followed and took a seat on the kitchen bench while Leah tromped off into her room and Mum started to cook dinner. 

“Oh and Mum the boys have offered for me to go on tour with them.” I dropped the bomb shell as though it was nothing hoping my mum didn’t freak out.

“WHAT?!!??!” My mum shouted dropping the box of pasta in her hands before quickly picking it and dusting herself down. 

“Um I said they invited me to go on tour with them.” I mumbled.

“Yes, I know I heard you perfectly the first time. Are you planning on going?” My mum asked calmly shocking me as it was not the reaction I had expected.

“Yes I was.” I stated calmly. My mum’s face scrunched up in thought.

“Where will you be traveling?”

“Around America and then to Asia and Australia.” I replied watching my mum’s eyes open in surprise but she didn’t yell.

“And how long will you be gone?” 

“4 months.” I said and waited for her to tell me I couldn’t go but the response I was expecting never came. 

“Well your 18 now which means you old enough to make your own decisions and I suppose it will be a great opportunity to see the world.” My mum responded calmly definitely not what I was expecting. 

“Um thanks mum but aren’t you going to yell at me and tell me I can’t go.” I asked stupidly.

“No I respect your decisions. When will you be leaving?” 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2012 ⏰

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