Frosty Messages (Chapter 9)

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A/N Bonjour. Yes I have decided to go french. Well anyway sorry this chapter isn't very long but I wanted to update. Well I have to go now so yeah. Vote, Comment and fan please. Love you all. xx <3


I awoke to my ipod quacking. It honestly sounded like a duck was in the room. Woah what if I had a pet duck. I think i’d call it Quacksy because it quacks, I know i’m so original.  I quickly turned off my alarm and started to get dressed for work. I pulled on a pair of skinny jeans and a shirt and matched it with my doc martins. I was lucky the coffee shop I worked at didn’t really have a dress code except I had to wear a black apron that tied around my waist. 

I ran downstairs and made some macaroni and cheese for breakfast. Yes I know i’m weird but I love savory things for breakfast. I demolished my breakfast in less than a minute before running back to my room and combing through my hair. I curled it lightly and put on some natural make up before grabbing my bag and running out the door. I looked at my watch 9:26 oops I have to be at work by 9:30 and it’s at least a 10 minute walk. I started to run smashing into commuters as I went. 

“Watch where your going?”

“Slow down!”

“Hey watch it.” 

I managed to scream out a quick sorry before continuing on my run. I made it to the shop within 5 minutes. I guess all the training I used to do payed off. I barged through the door and grabbed my apron off the counter.

“Hey Marcos, sorry i’m late.” I apologized.

“It’s fine Zelia just don’t do it again. Kelly’s not here today so I need you to start taking orders. Grab a notepad and get to work.” He replied. Kelly was a bitch who I worked with and had gone to school with since Grade 1. Kelly also happened to have a higher job than me. While she was taking orders I was clearing tables and washing dishes and I hated her for it because she had stolen that promotion from right out under me, but thats another story.

I grabbed my notepad before walking over to a table with an old couple sitting reading their menus.

“May I take you order?” I asked politely. 

“Umm.... Can we have a pot of tea and some scones?” The old man asked. Typical, best coffee house in the whole town and they want tea.

“Sure coming right up.” I replied with a fake smile on my face. I turned around and headed back into the kitchen to place the order. 

“Hey Zelia. How you doing?” Jack the chef asked as I hung the order onto the wire above my head.

“Great since Kelly is not here.” I laughed. I’m pretty sure everyone who worked here hated Kelly except for our boss. She was always sucking up to him. 

“Yeah I know the feeling no one coming in and demanding things.” He laughed along with me. Just then the bell signaling that someone entered the cafe went off. 

“Well I better go. Duty awaits.” I replied hugging Jack over the counter. Jack was the person who’d gotten me this waitressing job. He was also Rae’s older brother. 

I walked out of the kitchen and scanned the area for the new customers. I almost didn’t spot him hiding away in a booth at the back. I walked over and stared at the boy in front of me. He had sunglasses and a hoodie covering his face. He stared down at his menu while ordering.

“Can I please have a scone, a chocolate muffin, a blueberry muffin, two chocolate cookies and a coffee please.” His irish accent rang out. I knew that voice. 

“Niall?” I asked peering down. 

“Shit.” He muttered under his breath before finally looking up. “Zelia?” he asked obviously shocked to see me. “You work here?” 

“No, I just happen to wear this apron and walk around taking orders.” I said sarcastically. “Yes, I work here.” 

“Oh thats cool. I love this place, best coffee in town.” He smirked.

“What’s with the disguise?” I said gesturing to his clothes.

“World famous pop star.” He replied doing the same gesture to himself. 

“Big headed much.” I laughed. “Well I got to go place your order.” I said walking away just then my phone quacked. 

1 new text 

From Niall the Sexiest man alive ;)

Hey maybe we can hang out later? Niall xx

To Niall the Sexiest man alive ;)

Stop texting me I’m at work >:(

I quickly put my phone away before Marcus could confiscate it. So much for staying away from the boys. But they wouldn’t kill the boys would they? It would cause them to much drama... NO snap out of it. Of course they wouldn’t hesitate to kill them. Aaaargh how was I going to get out of hanging with Niall. One Direction bloody knew where I lived. I think my plan to move to Mexico was becoming my best offer besides I really love the name Maria. I was interrupted from my thoughts when Jack rang the bell signaling the old couples order was ready. I quickly grabbed their tea and put it on their table and ran back to the kitchen counter to start preparing Niall’s order. As I rounded the corner and faced the glass case containing the cakes my body froze. Written in frost across the glass was a message. 

‘I hope the blond one doesn’t know or he’ll be the next one to go.’

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