You know each other? (Chapter 7)

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A/N Heres another chapter because I thought I would be nice and give it to you. Hheheheh!!! Ok well you know what to do. By the way I mean read. Yep read read read. Ok i'm going to stop rambling on now and let you READ. Thanks for the votes and comments <3


Niall’s Pov

I kissed her. I can’t believe it I finally kissed her. As we walked out of the bathroom I knew the boys would know what had happened just by the grin on my face. I sat down on the couch in the living room and Zelia sat down next to me still holding my hand. The boy’s seemed to notice straight away.

“OOOhhhh did something happen in the bathroom?” Harry teased.

“I hope you used protection!” Louis shouted as he left the room. Zelia blushed bright red.

“Aww Louis now Zelia’s all embarrassed!” Zayn laughed adding to the embarrassment. I couldn’t help but chuckle before Zelia playfully slapped me on the arm.

“Don’t laugh at my discomfort.” She said trying to keep a straight face. 

“Sorry babe,” I smiled cheekily.

“Oh my god Louis get back in here! Niall called Zelia a babe. Our little baby is growing up!” Harry screamed at the top of his lungs. That set everyone off into hysterics. When I finally calmed down Zelia would still be laughing and her laugh was so contagious it would set me off again. Finally after a good 10 minutes of laughing everyone had managed to calm down to a level that could be expected from us, which wasn’t very calm. Louis and Harry were on the couch play wrestling while Zayn sat throwing cushions at them. Liam was on twitter looking up every once in a while when a pillow somehow made it’s way into his face. Zelia and I sat with her head in my lap while I played with her hair. 

“I’m hungry!” Zelia exclaimed sitting up.

“Hey that’s Niall’s line.” Zayn laughed.

“Didn’t you just eat a whole bowl of spaghetti?” Louis asked.

“Yeah and?” Zelia retorted.

“It’s like Niall was cloned and put into a female body.” Harry exclaimed. I chuckled at that since it was so true. I was also feeling a little peckish myself. I hopped up off the couch dragging Zelia along with me into the kitchen. 

“So what do you want to eat?” I asked.

“Do you have any tacos?” She asked innocently.

“Well that was random.” I laughed.

“So do you?” She asked again.

“Um.. I think Liam bought some the other day but we’ll have to cook them. Is that ok?” 

“Yeah sounds good to me.” She smiled. It was then that her phone made a quacking sound signaling she had a text.

“A quack? Really?” I asked.

“Yeah I love ducks. Is there a problem?” 

“No not at all. It just makes me like you more.” I sighed.

“You do realize how cliché that sounded? And how on earth does a the noise my phone makes make you like me more?” She said clearly confused.

“It’s just so random and I like random.” I tried to explain.

“Yeah your not making sense so i’m just going to ignore you and continue to try and make tacos.” She continued going through the cupboards looking for ingredients. 

“Do you have any pickles?” 

“Um.. why do you want pickles on tacos?” I asked.

“Because I am weird and I like pickles on my tacos.” She smiled.

“Uh... no sorry I think we’re just out.” 

“Oh ok then. Here grab this pan and we can start cooking.” I grabbed the pan and placed it on the stove while Zelia started throwing the freshly chopped meat into it. She then continued on to throw all these different seasonings in I didn’t even know we had. I couldn’t help but stare at her mesmerized as she kept adding things to the mix and tasting. 

5 spills, 7 splats and 10 minutes later we had finally managed to cook the tacos. I was covered in flour from the waste upwards. I don’t even know why we had flour out when we were making tacos. 

“MMmmm this is really good!” Zelia said through a mouth full of food. 

“Yeah it’s delicious. So what was that text you got before about?” I asked.

“Oh Shit thanks for reminding me. When we left the club I was actually there with my best friend Rae and I kinda forgot about her after all the drama. She sounded pretty pissed off when she texted. I better call her back.” Zelia excused herself. I left the kitchen and walked out and found Liam on the couch. 

“Mate what happened?” Liam asked looking me up and down. Oops I forgot about the flour.

“Oh lets just say Zelia could get a job as one of those angry chefs any day.” Liam laughed before I left him to go get changed. As I walked back to my room I grabbed a blue polo and some clean jeans and got changed. 

“What took you so long?” Liam asked as I walked back in.

“I was gone for 2 minutes!” I stated defensively. Zelia walked in and our argument stopped. “So what do you want to do now?”

“I’d say lets go out but I think we’re kinda under house arrest.” Liam said sadly.

“We could watch a movie?” Zayn said walking back into the room.

“TRUTH OR DARE!!!” Louis screamed rolling in behind Zayn like a secret agent.

“Yeah ok.” Liam agreed.

“Wheres Harry?” Zelia butted in.

“Oh Hazza would you care to join us for a game of the truth and the dare!!!” Louis shouted.

“Yeah i’ll be down in a second.” Harry shouted back. We all got comfortable in a circle on the floor while we waited for Harry. After about 5 minutes Harry finally came down and sat with us. 

“Took your time,” I teased. I got a punch on the arm in response before we all settled down to play.

“This is unfair. I’m the only girl!” Zelia moaned. 

“Harry truth or dare?” Louis asked ignoring Zelia. 

“Dare.” Harry shouted back.

“HHmmmm,” Louis said while pretending to stroke his imaginary beard. ”I dare you spray whipped cream onto Liam’s bellybutton and then lick it off.” Louis laughed evilly.

“OK.” Harry said without a second thought.

“Wait I wasn’t the one being dared why do I have to suffer?” Liam moaned.

“Stop moaning Liam and go lie on the kitchen table.” Zayn demanded.

Liam sighed in defeat knowing he wasn’t going to get anywhere.

5 minutes later Liam was all creamed up and Harry was ready. Just as Harry lent down and licked the cream the door opened and in walked Danielle.

“Oh My God!! MY EYES!!!” Danielle screamed. Liam hastily got up off the table and wiped the cream onto Harry. 

“Sorry Danielle we were just playing truth or dare.” Liam laughed. 

“Remind me to knock next time.” She said before giving him a quick kiss. It was then that she noticed Zelia standing awkwardly next to me. “Oh hello love. I’m Danielle and who are-” The look of surprise in both the girls eyes was obvious but I wasn’t prepared for what came next. Danielle answered her own question in a whisper. “Zelia.”

Aaaargh how does Danielle know Zelia? Hehe you'll just have to wait to find out. Should they like each other or not? Please comment!!

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