Clubbing with THEM (Chapter 3)

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A/N Thanks for reading. Keep commenting and voting!! Thanks <3


Zelia’s Pov.

“Rae! Rae!” I screamed looking for my best friend who I had somehow lost in the crowd. I had had a few drinks to many and now I was paying for it. I turned around scanning the crowd for her. Just then this random guy came up and grabbed my butt thinking I wanted to dance. He smirked at me and before he could say anything I punched him square in the face. He stumbled back clutching his nose which had now started to bleed. 

“What the fuck?” he yelled over the music. 

“Don’t mess with me you perv!” I shouted back. I had always been one to solve my issues with violence. When I had been in grade 4 I had taken a self defense class and I could now kill a grown man 8 different ways. To bad my self defense skills were no match for them. There was no use putting up a fightwhen they were the ones you were fighting against. They were stronger, faster and smarter. 

“Zelia what the fuck just happened?” Rae said appearing from behind me. I sighed in relief. She was ok. 

“Rae where’ve you been?” I asked. 

“Getting drinks for us both. Now answer my question!”

“Ok ok that creep over there grabbed my ass so I punched him in the nose,” I stated proudly. 

“God Zelia you need to calm down!” Rae screamed. Just then the room went black and the screaming started. My heart stopped beating. They were here. 

I felt two strong arms grab my waist and lift me up. I wasn’t going to scream. I wouldn’t give them the satisfaction they wanted. I knew it was going to happen sooner or later so I let them take me away. I couldn’t see where we were going but I knew we were heading towards the back of the club. They started running but I still couldn’t hear their footsteps pounding on the floor. All of a sudden the lights flickered back to life. I thought that would stop the screaming but I was wrong it only made it get worse. But this screaming was different. They weren’t doing it in fear they were screaming with joy. I managed to catch a glimpse before they carried me out the back door. Was that? No it couldn’t be? What were they doing here? As if confirming my thoughts the crowd screamed.... ONE DIRECTION.

Niall’s Pov

-A few moment earlier-

As we got out of the car and headed to the club all we could hear was screaming. The boys and I started running. We reached the door and flung it open and were met with darkness. “Damn it. How are we ever going to find her now?” I yelled. Just our bad luck that the lights decided now would be a good time to turn back on. Almost everyone stared to see who the newcomers were. Before we could do anything the crowd mobbed us. The screams were deafening. My claustrophobia started to take over. The people were a wall, closing in and there was nothing we could do. It was then that I spotted her being carried out by a buff man. She wasn’t struggling but I could see the fear in her eyes, the pleading for help. I tapped the other boys on the shoulders and pointed in her direction but it was to late, she was gone. 

I started to panic. We had come here to save Zelia and now we were trapped behind a wall of fans. Liam was on the phone to Paul while Harry and Louis were signing autographs. The boys didn’t know how much trouble Zelia was in and I couldn’t tell them because I was trapped by this stupid wall of people. Where was Paul? As if on cue Paul and our other security rushed in pushing the fans to the side. 

“What were you guys thinking coming to a club like this without telling us?” Paul yelled.

“We came here looking for Zel-” Liam started before I cut him off.

“Guys can we sort this out later Zelia was just carried out the back by some very dangerous looking guys.” I shouted.

“Niall why didn’t you tell us!”


“How did you see her?”

“I tried telling you but I was trapped, remember?” I shouted back. I didn’t mean to shout but I was stressing out. We were wasting time. Before anyone could say anything else I started running. Letting my feet take me to the back of the club. Luckily the boys and security had followed. I reached the door and turned to stare at the boys. I took a deep breath and then turned the handle. 

Zelia’s Pov.

As they carried me out all I could think about were Niall’s eyes. His beautiful crystal blue eyes filled with worry. He cared about me but it was to late. If he tried to save me now he would just get himself and the other boys killed. I couldn’t let that happen. I knew that once they had dealt with me they would leave my family and friends alone. It was me they wanted. The girl who had heard to much. 

The muscly guy carrying me dropped me down in the alley the club backed up onto. I could have sworn there had been more than just him. I spoke to soon as the rest of them came out of the shadows that had hidden them. I shivered. It wasn’t there hooded faces that scared me it was the silence. The way you never heard them coming. The only time I had ever heard them speak was the time in the alley. The time when they had let their guard down. No one was supposed to go down that alley which was why they had been so shocked to see me. 

The alley was the kind of place mother’s warned their children not to go down from a very young age and none of them had to be told twice. It was said that many years ago a young girl had walked down that alley and been found dead. She had been stabbed. One blow to the heart and her life had ended. Upon further inspection the police had found a symbol cut into her shoulder. A wolf (Check sidebar for picture). The symbol of them. There are myths about deaths before this girl but she was the most recent. But not for much longer. I would take her place even though they weren’t going to murder me in that alley. It was still the place my nightmare begun.

It was then that Niall and the boys decided to stumble through the door. 

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