Captured again (Chapter 4)

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A/N Sorry it took so long to update i've been really busy. Please comment your thoughts and vote. Enjoy and thanks. :)


Niall’s Pov

We stumbled through the door all of us pushing to get through at once. Once we were out it took my eyes a minute to adjust. It was really dark out here compared to the club. When they finally adjusted I was able to make out about 30 or so figures standing around in the alley. I don’t know what Zelia had gotten herself into but it was bad. Very bad. The boys and I started running towards her with out security trailing closely behind. The people attacking Zelia didn’t even flinch as we ran towards them. It was strange. They were so peaceful, so silent yet I knew they would also be deadly. Once we were within 30 meters of her the gang or whatever they were started to close in around us. Our security were strong and had been trained well but there was only 15 of them and at least 30 of the others. We were no match for them.  As if on cue the gang stepped forward and before I could blink I had my arms pinned behind my back. I didn’t know it was humanly possible to move that fast. I turned my head to see that the boys and our security also had there hands held tightly behind there backs. Damn it we were never going to get out now. 

“You shouldn’t have come.” Zelia mumbled before she was aggressively shaken by her captor. 

“Are you kidding me of cour-” I was cut off as a large punch landed in my stomach. That set the boys and our security off. Arms and legs were punching and kicking while mouths seemed to be biting whatever flesh we could get a hold of but we were no match for them. They held us back easily. I was losing hope. How were we ever going to get out of here? The air was filled with silence. It wasn’t an awkward silence more like the kind of silence in a horror film before the killer jumps and murders you. Finally one of them spoke breaking the silence. 

“What do you know?” he asked in a gruff voice.

“Uh...nothing we just came here for Zelia.” Zayn said pointing in Zelia’s direction. 

“Don’t lie to me!” the man responded raising his voice.

“We honestly don’t know anything sir. We’ve just been searching for Zelia since she left us a week ago.” Liam pleaded.

“What’s so special about this one?” He asked shaking Zelia as he said so. 

“Well she’s beautiful, smart, kind, mysterious-” I was cut off again by a punch to the stomach.

“Shut up. I meant what has she overheard you guys talking about that’s worth killing her to shut her up?” he asked. It was then that I realized what kind of trouble Zelia was in. She hadn’t just ticked off these guys, she knew dangerous information. I started forming a plan in my head and gave the boys one of my ‘follow along’ stares. 

“How did you know thats why we wanted her?” I lied.

“Why else would you want a nosy bitch like this one.” He laughed.

“Oh yeah she’s a real piece of work.” Louis replied obviously understanding my plan. 

“The bitch overheard us talking while she was supposed to be taking a shower.” Harry stated. 

“So we have been tracking her down ever since so we can silence her forever.” I shouted.

“So can you please hand her over so we can kill her ourselves?” Zayn asked. The gang had been quiet all this time listening to our story. I just hope they bought it.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” the man who was obviously the leader replied. 

“Please we really want her to have a painful death with lots of suffering,” I pleaded.

“We’ll pay you!” Harry said quickly. The mention of money seemed to get the groups attention. It was then that I noticed what they were wearing. They had on rags and no shoes. These guys may be tough but they definitely weren’t rich. The leader thought about the offer before responding. 

“$10,000 take it or leave it.”

“Deal!” We all shouted at once. I couldn’t believe my plan was working. My captor let go of my arms and I reached into my pocket and pulled out my wallet. The boys and I luckily had just enough combined. We handed over the money before turning back to the leader.

“Now give us Zelia!” I demanded. 

“Ok ok a deal’s a deal.” the leader taunted. I walked over to where Zelia was being held and put my hand down to help her up. Before she could grab on my arms were pinned behind my back once more.

“You don’t think we’d really just give away someone so valuable do you?” the leader laughed. I sighed in defeat. It was then that I heard the footsteps. It didn’t sound like just a few it sounded like at least 100 feet pounding down the footpath. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t heard it before. The boys looked just as shocked. 

“GO!” Paul screamed as 100 men in black sprinted round the corner. Thank goodness. Paul must have told the rest of our security to come looking if we weren’t out by a certain time. The gang was now outnumbered. They knew they couldn’t beat 130 men even with their superhuman abilities. Our captors let go of our arms and ran as we ran in the other direction. I quickly grabbed Zelia’s arm and dragged her with us as the leader of the group shouted “This isn’t the end. We won’t stop until she’s dead!” I shivered at the thought of a dead Zelia before coming back down to reality and sprinting as fast as I could. As I reached the end of the alley I looked back over my shoulder expecting to see the gang but instead I was greeted by the empty alley that looked as if no one had ever been there.

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