New Friends (Chapter 10)

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A/N Guten Tag!!! Yes I have decided to introduce each chapter with another language. Today it's German. Ok so you have no idea how happy I am right now this very second. I have got over 450 views and 60 votes!!!!!!!!!!! I was practically screaming in Science when I first saw this. The teacher probably thought I was a complete weirdo but oh well. Thank you Thank you or as they say in Germany danke! Oh and the picture in the sidebar is *Spoiler alert* Bailey. Your probably wondering who in the world she is but your just going to have to read to find out. So go on what are you waiting for read. 


As I looked at the message I felt sick. I dropped the tray I was holding and ran into the bathroom and watched my breakfast reappear. “Gross,” I muttered as I flushed it away. I stood up quickly and splashed some water on my face before leaving the bathroom. I still felt sick though. They knew where I worked. They knew where I was. I shouldn’t be surprised though, I mean they told me they’d find me and hunt me down. The worst part was Niall knew someone was after me and if they found out he’d be dead within minutes. I undid my apron and walked into Marcus’s office. 

“Marcus, I’m not feeling well so can I take the day off please?” I asked. I think Marcus could tell I was sick just be taking a look at my face. I was ghostly pale.

“Yeah, I think that’s best. I’ll find someone else to work your shift.” He said compassionately. I thanked him and walked out of the office before yelling a quick goodbye to Jack. As I opened the door the bell on top rung and Niall turned around and locked eyes with me. I hastily looked down and started to run. I was about half way home when I heard someone call my name.

“Zelia, wait slow down.” His familiar irish accent shouted. I immediately picked up my pace before realizing I was going to have to face my problems sooner or later and slowed down. Niall jogged up to me out of breath. “Zelia why were you running? What happened?” He puffed out. I just continued to look down at my shoes which were suddenly the most interesting thing in the world. Before I could say anything Niall lifted my chin up and started to lean in. I pushed him back before he could kiss me.

“Stop Niall. I’m sorry I led you on the other day but I have no feelings for you whatsoever. Please leave me alone and delete my number from your phone and pretend as though I never existed.” I lied. I took one last look at his shocked face before I turned on my heel and started running the tears streaming down my face. 

Niall’s Pov

I stood and watched as she ran off into the distance. Once she was out of sight I curled up into a ball on the footpath, not caring who saw. I didn’t break down into tears I just sat there thinking. After about 30 minutes I stood up and started to walk back to the cafe. As I walked, thoughts swirled around in my head threatening to overflow. Did she mean what she had said? Surely not. She’d seemed so happy after we had kissed. Was I ever going to be able to see her again? But the one thought that kept making it’s way to the top was why had she run out of the cafe like that? I’m positive her shift hadn’t been over. Did it have something to do with the people after her? It seemed that whatever had made her leave had also triggered her to say the things she had to me. So thats why I was going back to the cafe. To find the answers to my many questions. 

Zelia’s Pov

I ran like I’d never run before. I didn’t know where I was going I just let my legs lead me to wherever it was they were leading me to. After running for what felt like hours but had only been about 15 minutes I stopped suddenly out of breath. I looked up for the first time and noticed where I was. I was in a playground about 10 minutes away from home. But not just any playground, this had been my favorite playground as a kid and I had even run away once and come back to this playground. This was somewhere I felt I could stop being strong for just a little while and cry. I jogged over to a tree and sat down on the damp grass underneath it and started to cry. I cried because I was scared, I cried because I was angry but most of all I cried for Niall. I don’t think I would ever be able to forget the look on his face after I ran off. 

Just then I felt a small hand tugging at my jeans. I looked up to find a girl who looked about 3 smiling warmly at me. She had beautiful blonde ringlets spiraling down her back and piercing blue eyes. 

“Do you want to play?” She asked confidently. I couldn’t help but smile back at her. She seemed very intelligent for her age.

“Sure. What’s your name?” I asked holding her small hand as we walked to the swings.

“Bailey.” She replied.

“That’s a beautiful name. My name is Zelia.” I said as I lifted her into the swing. I buckled her up and started to push her. 

“Higher. Higher.” She giggled. I’d always loved little kids. I pushed her higher forgetting about Niall as she laughed. Her laugh was adorable, as though it should make flowers grow and birds sing. Cliché I know but so true.

“BAILEY!!! Bailey where are you? It’s not funny!” I heard someone shout. I pulled the swing to a halt and looked at Bailey who was looking at me cheekily.

“Bailey does your mum know your here?” I asked rising my eyebrows. 

“Yes she does.” She giggled. Just then a girl about my age with the same blonde ringlets and blue eyes as Bailey came running up towards us. 

“There you are Bailey. You had me so worried.” She said unbuckling Bailey out of the swing. “Oh thank you so much for looking after her.” She said addressing me.

“It was no problem at all. You have a beautiful little daughter.” I said before Bailey and the girl started laughing. 

“She’s not my mummy!” Bailey laughed.

“Bailey’s my sister.” The girl managed to get out through laughs. “Oh by the way I’m Chelsea.” Chelsea said sticking her hand out for me to shake.

“Zelia.” I responded shaking her hand. 

“Oh that’s such a cool name.” She complimented.

“Thank you I like your name to.” 

“Hey we should catch up again. What’s your number?” Chelsea asked. We traded phones putting each others numbers in. “Ok well we better get going. Nice meeting you Zelia. Say bye Bailey.” Chelsea laughed grabbing Bailey’s arm and making it wave. Bailey pulled her arm out of her sister’s grip before sticking her tongue out at her and running up to me and wrapping her tiny arms around my legs. I bent down to pick her up.

“Bye Bailey. Hopefully I’ll see you again soon.” I said kissing her head and putting her back on the ground. 

“Bye Zelia!” They said in unison as they walked off into the distance. I chuckled at how cute Bailey was. I suddenly felt a lot better. I’d made 2 new friends and managed to get my mind off Niall. I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Chelsea before continuing on my way home. 

So I decided Chelsea would look like Ashley Benson. She's soooo pretty. xx Anyway until the next chapter Lebewohl (That's German for goodbye) I didn't even know that but now I do so you learn something everyday. 

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