Chapter 6: Mommy and Daddy Direction

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Homeless Girl

Chapter 6: Mommy and Daddy Direction

Liam's POV

I wake up, to see sunlight warming my face. I look next to me, and see Amy cuddled up into my chest. She looked so beautiful when she was sleeping. Last night was so cute when she asked to cuddle with me. I could tell she felt nervous. I look down at her face, her black wavy locks fall against her naturally tan face. Her lips are slightly parted, and her long eyelashes resting on her rosy cheeks. I gently kiss her forehead, and she flutters her eyes open. She looks at me and says, "Morning Li,"

"Good morning Ams. You look beautiful." I smile. Amy started to blush. "You're adorable when you blush." I smile.

"Liam, do you like me? I mean like like me like me, or do you just feel guilty and you have to pretend you like me like me?" Amy asks softly. I grab her chin to make her look at me.

"Are you seriously asking me that? I like you like you Amy. I like you because you're beautiful, and you're different from other girls. I don't care what other people think or say, you're beautiful just the way you are, and that's why I like you Amy." I say. She smiles, and leans into kiss me. And I swear fireworks go off. Right as I'm about to deepen the kiss, she pulls away. I pout.

"Why'd you pull away?" I whine.

"I just wanted to tell you that I like you too." as soon as she finished, I slammed her lips back on mine. She moves to the point where she was straddling me. I went and ran my tongue against her bottom lip, and she let me in quickly. I ran my hands down her torso, to her waist. Her hands were tugging on my hair softly. I pulled her closer to me, if possible. I began to kiss her neck, and began to suck on it and graze my teeth on the spot. Amy moaned. I went back to kiss her, but her lips weren't there, they were at my neck giving me a love bite. I couldn't help but let out a soft moan.

"MUMMY!! DADDY!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" Louis screams suddenly. Amy immediately gets off of me, and sits next to me.

"Louis, you know what they're doing. And I know you did like it, because I kinda did to." Harry tells Louis.

"I kinda did, but I NEVER WANT TO SEE MUM AND DAD MAKING BABIES AGAIN!" Louis screams and runs down the hall.

"Oh, yeah, breakfast is ready, it's downstairs. Unless if you're having dessert." Harry wiggles his eyebrows and leaves.

Amy's POV

"Well, we better go downstairs, or the lads will think we're doing something." Liam says and stands up. I hold my arms up, and Liam chuckles.

"What? Pweez cawwy me Wiam." I say like a little kid. "Only because you said please." Liam smiles and picks me up bridal style. I wrap my arms around his neck, and snuggle into his chest. I felt his chest vibrate signaling his laughter. "What?" I ask confused.

"You're just so beautiful, and you light up my world like nobody else." He smiles. I began to blush, so I hid in Liam's chest.

"AWWWW, look at 'em!" Niall says happily while eating pancakes.

"Yeah they're just the cutest thing," Louis says dreamily with his chin in his hand. "Harry, why don't you stuff with me like Liam does with Amy?!" Louis begins to fake sob.

"You mean like make babies?" Harry smirks. Zayn and Niall spit out their food. Harry and Louis start to laugh.

"You had sex with her Liam?" Niall asks. "Uhhhh..." Liam began. I look over at Zayn and notice how angry he was. "Zayn. Calm down. We didn't do anything, I swear." I say honestly. Zayn's face returns to it's normal tan color. "Good, I don't really care if you do, just I don't want to hear about it. AND PLEASE USE PROTECTION." Zayn says seriously, making Liam and I spit our milk out at Harry.

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