Chapter 13: Heaven Or Earth?

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Louis: Ok, here's the situation. Our sexy friend- Aria, has been writing fanfics about us! So we decided to hack her account!! Don't tell her, and I'll give you carrots;)


Niall: No! NANDO'S!

Zayn: No, both of you are wrong. We'll give them a good time(;

Liam: ZAYN! I thought Harry was the pervert! *sighs and rubs his temples.

Lou: So, onto Aria. *wiggles eyebrows* she has told me, Louis 'Tommo' Tomlinson, who she likes out of the five of us.

Niall: WHO?!?

Harry: Probably me(;

Zayn & Liam: conceded much?

Louis: It's....



Liam: See that's why I didn't want to do this, we would get caught. We should have had someone keep watch!

Me: GET OFF, The lot of ya!

Zayn & Liam: Sorry love, *Each kiss one of my cheeks*

Me: *blushes*

Harry: oh, I see now. *smirks evilly.*

Me: Go play Just Dance 4. I'll be there soon.

All of them: ok. *leaves*

Me: Sorry for that! On with the chapter, yeah?

Sorry had to lighten the mood. I seriously cried last chapter. Before u read this, remember, Haz COULD die. So don't hate me.

Louis' POV

"Mr. Tomlinson?" A female voice asks. "Yes?" I say, my voice cracking.

"Are you here for Mr. Styles?" She asks. I nod softly.

"Well, Mr. Tomlinson, Mr. Styles.." She began, looking me in the eyes. Please, please, don't tell me he's dead. I don't know what I would do if he died. Harry's my everything. If he died, it would KILL me. Please. God, who ever is up there, I'll do ANYTHING for my Hazza to be alright. Just, please, don't let him die.

"Well, there is a likely chance he won't make it." She says, giving me a genuinely sad and sympathetic expression. NO. He.. He can't die.

"Can I see him?" My voice cracks. She nods softly. She leads me to Harry's room, as my heart shatters with every step.

"Here is Mr. Styles' room." She says, and walks away. I struggle to take a breath, but open the door. The first thing I see is Harry. I let out a whimper.

He looked so.. Dead. His face was deathly pale, his cheeks and under his eyes looked hollow. Even his curls looked dull. I pulled a chair next to his bed, and took his hand. I saw the heavily bandaged wrist. My heart tightened. Just PLEASE. I can't lose him, I just can't.

Harry's POV

All I saw was black. Until, this flash of white appeared, and I walked towards it. It lead me to a bright white room.

"Hello, Harry." A voice says from our of nowhere. I turn around, and see a girl. She looked ageless, not young, but not old. She was beautiful. She was wearing a long white gown.

"Um, who are you, and why am I here?" I ask, my voice bouncing off the walls.

"I am Maria, I am an Angel. I'm in charge of young deaths, and I'm here to help you decide." She says politely.

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