Chapter 10: Love<3

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HOW YOU DOIN'?!? Sorry for my hyperness. As you know, I'm having a contest for girlfriends!! For more info, see my authors note!!! YOU BETTER SEND IN ENTRIES!!! I'm watching you... You better.. I'm serious;) So, I'm gonna shut up now, and start this chapter!!!! Oh and guess what? I'm gonna do Louis POV:) and maybe Hazza. :) this Is a filler, next chapter will be better, hopefully this chapter isn't to horrible.

Louis POV

I am jealous. Yes, I Louis Tomlinson, am jealous. Of who? Amy and Liam. I wish I could have what they have, to love someone, and they love you back. But, I love someone who I know doesn't feel the same way. Yes, it's true, because I don't like any girls, I only love Harry.

Yes, I know, call me what you like. But I don't care what people think. I only care about Harry. It's always been Harry that has my heart. It hurts me too know that he'll never love me back the way I love him. And here I am, sleeping next to the man I love, and he doesn't even know it. Sure we cuddle, but not like that. I've been laying here, staring at the ceiling, thinking of him. I felt something warm roll down my cheek. Wow, am I seriously crying?

"Lou? What's wrong mate?" Harry asks, his voice husky from just waking up.

"Uh, nothing." I say quickly, wiping the tear off my face.

"Boo, come on don't lie to me, we're closer than that." Harry pouts. I fight the urge to kiss his lips. I look at Harry to see his emerald green eyes gleaming back at me. Why does he have to be so beautiful?

"Just thinking, about Everything that happened to Amy, is all." I lie. Harry looks at me, and he knows I'm lying. He shakes his head, and changes the subject.

"Ready for Hawaii?" He asks excitedly, grinding from ear to ear, showing his pearly whites. He's just so.. Perfect. "Yeah!" I cheer, mimicking him.

"Let's go see who's awake, yeah?" Hazza smiles.

"Let's go!" I demanded, and ran off the bed with Haz in hot pursuit.

Harry's POV

I ran after Louis as he ran down the stairs. When he was silently crying this morning, it broke my heart. It pissed me off. Lou should never have to cry, he's to much of an angel. Stop it, Harry. STOP. He'll never love you, why would he? You're a manwhore, you sleep with random girls to take the pain away, and even resort to... Cutting, when you can't deal with the pain. I snap at myself In my head. I'm right, I'm disgusting. I don't deserve to walk this Earth. Knowing Louis will never me has broken me. I even resort to cutting when getting drunk and sleeping with random girls isn't enough. That's why I wear all the bracelets on my arms, I don't want anyone to know.

"Haz? You ok?" Louis waves a hand in my face, an that's when I notice I've stopped running.

"Yeah, just started to daydream," I smile, and hop on his back.

"Geez, someone has to lay off the tacos." Louis huffs as he carries me to the kitchen. Thats when I notice he's not wearing a shirt, and neither am I. he was so warm, and this is probably the closest I'll ever get to him. When we arrive, our jaws drop to the floor.

"What's going on here?!" Louis shouts, breaking Liam and Amy apart.

"Uh, it's his fault!" Amy says, and points at Liam. The whole kitchen was covered in flour, and Liam and Amy were covered in flour and eggs.

"Was not!" Liam huffed.

"I don't care, clean it up!" Louis demands, being all sassy. Liam and Amy nod, and begin to clean up.

"Haz?" Louis asks.

"Yeah boo?" I reply.

"Wanna get some Starbucks? I'm starving." Louis smiles.

Homeless Girl (One Direction Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora