Chapter 12: You'll be Safe and Sound

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So jai my pretties:) how r all y'all? Lol I feel like a country person. Which I'm not BTW. Ok, so this chapter is going to be fixed on the other lads. Next chapter will have Aiam, don't worry:) so on with the...VERY Intense chapter. WAIT. So this takes place on the day they get to Hawaii. K? K.

Harry's POV

I ran into the huge beach house, chasing after Lou.

"LOUIS TOMLINSON!" I shouted. I then saw a flash of light brown. I went into the room, and saw Lou laying on the bed. "No Fair!" I pout.

"It's so fair! I got here first. Follow me, Hazza Bear," Lou says and grabs my hand. I felt tingles running up my spine. He pulled me out of his room, to the one next to it. Hm, not bad.

"See? Now you have the SECOND best bedroom!" Louis smiles, showing off his pearly whites. I bit my lip. Why did he have to be so perfect? His wind swept hair that always looks perfect, his green blue eyes, and his angelic voice. Geez, I sound like a girl. Stop with all of this, Harry. Don't get your hopes up! He's as straight as a pole, and besides, even if he were gay, why would he love you? You're worthless. You're a manwhore, a piece of trash. I'm right, I AM worthless. I'm ugly, I'm pathetic.

"Haz, are you ok?" Lou asks, concerned. "Yeah, perfectly fine, mate." I smile slightly. Lou looks unconvinced, but let's it go.

"How about I get a movie and make some popcorn an we watch a movie, yeah?" Louis suggests.

"Yeah, I'll meet you down there." I smile, even though I'm breaking inside. Lou flashes me a smile, and leaves. I grab something from my bag, go to my bathroom, close the door, and lock it. I turn around an look at myself in the mirror. I look broken. I mean, who wouldn't if the person you loved with all your heart didn't love you back? A eerie thought came into my mind again.

Maybe I should end it. End it forever.

I couldn't take the pain anymore, and I started to break into tears. I began to sob uncontrollably. I took out my new IPhone 5, and tapped the notes app. I typed up this:

For who ever is reading this, you know that I've decided to end my life. Please don't blame yourselves. Niall and Zayn: I'm going to miss everything about you guys, from Niall eating non-stop to Zayn getting mad because someone messed up his hair. I love you both so much, you're the best brothers a lad could ask for. Liam and Amy: don't blame yourselves, I know you will. This isn't your faults, I decided to do this. When you guys get older, I want you to have a lot of kids, and maybe name one Harry? I want you both to be happy, you both deserve it. Louis- Well, Lou, there's so much I've not told you. I'm glad you've been my best mate. But the thing I never have told you is that... Louis William Tomlinson, I love you. With all my heart. In fact, I love you so much, it hurts. It hurts to know that I love you, but knowing that you'll Never love me. So, I had to cover up my pain with drinking and sleeping around. I thought it would make me feel better, but it didn't. Not one bit. God, I don't even know how to put it into words how much I Love You. The reason I did this was- The Pain. I just couldn't take it anymore. I felt so lonely, the feeling that no one would ever love me, because look at me! I'm a selfish person who has millions of girls that love him, but I don't care, I just want You, Louis. Which is completely unfair to you. And all those Larry moments- killed me. Knowing that we were just playing, and that it would never happen in real life. Everytime I see you smile or talk, It broke my heart, knowing I would never be able to kiss those lips, to love you. So please no one blame themselves. This is it, I've had a good run. I love you all so much, please don't forget me.


Harry Edward Styles.

I took out the razor, and dropped it to the floor. I stepped on it, until I heard a cracking noise. I lifted my foot, to reveal sharp pieces of metal, and pieces of plastic. I bent down, and grabbed a piece of the razor. It was very sharp. I took off all my bracelets, and set them on the sink. I gently placed the sharp piece of metal against my wrist, and pressed down. I pressed deep, until blood was gushing out. I moved it along my wrist, not wincing at the pain. I laid down on the floor, with my phone in hand, and suddenly fell into darkness.

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