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"Daddy!" I yelled in excitement

"Oh,my princess. I've missed you so much." He said,lifting me off my feet and spinning me around. It was the 27th of December and my parents had arrived four days early.

"I thought you weren't coming back till New Year's Eve." I stated as my mum walked into the room.

"Yeah well,we missed our baby girl." She said,and hugged me tightly.

"Oh,Iris and Bianca need you to get Genesis and Olivia out of the house." She concluded,leaving my room with my dad. I went to my dressing room (which just happened to be connected to my bedroom.) and looked for something to wear.

I chose a red mid-thigh length knit sweater-dress and red thigh length boots. I looked out my window to see if I could see Liv,but the only thing I could see was the huge tree in-between our houses (which we used to climb to get into each other's rooms.) so I left my house and walked up to Liv's and I let myself in.

"Heyyy!" I yelled as soon as I walked through the front door and immediately got pounced upon by Gen.

"What's your problem? I wanted to see if I could fly." She whined

"Yeah sure,break your neck." I said unconcerned (she's done worse things.), and went to find Liv. I walked up the stairs and,like the amazing friend I am,barged into her room.

"Oh my gosh! Monica!" She yelled,tightening her grip on the towel that ended just below her ass.

"Please,there's nothing there that I haven't seen before." I said,falling on her bed.

"Since you're here,you might as well make yourself useful and get me something to wear."I rolled my eyes and reluctantly went to her closet and picked a tube mini-skirt and a spaghetti-strap top.

"Here." I said,handing her the clothes and she looked at me like I was crazy.

"It's freezing outside." She stated.

"Oh really,I had no idea." I commented sarcastically,walking out and slapping her ass in the process and she retaliated immediately.

I went downstairs and called Stephanie,telling her to come over so we could all go out together. As I walked into the living room, I saw Genesis talking to her phone.

"Siri,how do I look?"

"Judging from your voice, I'd say you are fairly attractive." Siri replied.

"Sissy? Are you okay?" I asked her,making her jump.

"I wanted to ask Siri what she thinks of my boots." She said with big eyes. She was wearing a white knit turtleneck top,a black leather mini skirt with black tights and black river island Chelsea boots.

"You know she can't see you,right?" I stated.

"Oh...but she said something about spatio...hot...cuteness." She said dreamily.

"I'm ready bitches!" Liv yelled,walking down the stairs in a black sweater with flared arms tucked into a plaid tube skirt paired with knee-length boots.

"Are we waiting for Steph?" Gen asked.

"No,were meeting her there."


"Can I have some?" Gen asked,looking dreamily at my mint chocolate chip ice cream.


"Hey look,it's Stephanie." Liv told us.

"You are late." I said,glaring at her.

"Only by three minutes. You guys have to see Stella,she thinks she's something now that she's dating Tyler." As soon as she said that,Stella (former nerd) came in clinging unto Tyler's (star quarterback) arm like her life depended on it,making us burst into fits of giggles.

"Oh my gosh,Stella! Desperate much." Gen said with a smirk making her look up at once.

"Gen! Don't be so rude. Stella,I love your cropped top. It's giving us a great view of your boobs." I said with a sweet smile and she turned red immediately and folded her arms around her waist.

"You know,I admire you. It's very brave of you to wear a cropped top in the middle of winter. I just hope you don't lose your nipples to frostbite." Liv added. At that point tears were welling up in her eyes.

"She is so pathetic." Stephanie said,watching her walk away everyone's eyes on her.

I could feel a pair of eyes staring at the back of my head. I turned my head slowly and I saw Archer staring at me and I quickly looked away. I hadn't seen and/or spoken to him since Christmas and,to be honest,I didn't think I wanted to talk about what happened.

"Come on,lets leave." Liv said to me and we all stood up and walked out of the ice cream parlor.

"Where are we going?" Stephanie asked as we got into my 2018 Audi Q5.

"It's a surprise." The three of us said in unison.

A.N: Chapter 14 people! Thank you so much for reading so far. I know this isn't my best chapter-it's officially the second worst chapter...what's up with me and bad chapters these days-but I promise the real thing starts in the next chapter. I might not be able to post new chapters for a while,but I will update as soon as I get the chance. This book is going under major editing, so please don't get mad if you read something you don't recall being stated in previous chapters.Please vote and comment. Love you buckets❤️

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