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I woke up on Saturday afternoon still in my shirt,skirt,socks and shoes from last night's party. I quietly roll out of bed (literally.) and hit my head on the floor making my already terrible hangover worse. I slowly crawl into the bathroom,fill the bathtub with hot water (cause God forbid I use cold water or worse,warm water.) and soap,peel off my clothes and step in.

I let the water wash the pain away. I was just thinking about how wonderful the water felt against my skin when-

"What the fuck! Don't you know how to knock?!" I yelled as Archer barged into my bathroom.

"Keep your tits on. It's not like I saw anything." He said with a cheeky smirk.

"What are you doing here?" I half yelled.

"I came to check up on you. You're welcome."

"How did you know I was even in here?"

"I could here you breathing." Well that's not weird.

"Oh,look at this." He said,picking up my skirt from where I dropped it on the floor.

"I don't know if you've noticed but,I'm trying to take a bath so can you,like,not be here."

"That's not what you thought last night when you were screaming my name."

"Oh please,like I'll be stupid enough to get into bed with you."

"Ouch. Montgomery,you really hurt my feelings." He now had my skirt in front of his area and was swishing it around.

"Will you at least turn around?" I asked him.

"Fine." Then he turned. I leaned forward and pulled the drain-chain thingy to remove all the soapy water and began running clean water to rinse my body with.

"You can turn around now." I told him when the water was full.

"Finally. Only God knows what your hiding." He commented dramatically.

"I might be hiding boobs sexy enough to make you pass out." I stated,sinking into the water.

"Pretty sure I've seen sexier."

"Yeah right,what kind of girl will be desperate enough to flash a sadistic loser like you?" I asked with a smile.

"You know,you're really mean."

"I've been told. Pass me a towel."

"What if I don't want to?" He smirked.

"Just act your age for once."

"Fine...here." He said,handing me a fluffy white towel.

"Now turn around and close your eyes."


"Turn around." I said firmly and he reluctantly turned. I wrapped the towel around my body and walked past him through the door that he left open.

Twenty seconds later,he came stomping into my bedroom.

"You couldn't even tell me you were done."

"I didn't see the point." I said with an innocent smile while downing some aspirin for my headache.

"Don't make be drag that towel." He threatened.

"You wouldn't dare." I said,walking towards my dressing room.

"Okay why is your closet so huge?" He asked.

"Because." I stated,going through my clothes.

"Why do girls need so many clothes?"

"Because God was wise enough to make sure that one of the genders didn't end up as dirty and smelly pigs. We have many clothes because,unlike you boys,we see the hygiene in not repeating outfits for three days straight." I told him.

"Bitch." He muttered under his breath but I still heard.

"Now leave,I have to change."

"I'm not going anywhere." He said,leaning against the wall.

"Fine." I said with a sigh. I went to my underwear wardrobe and chose a black lace bra and put it on. I threw a sweatshirt over my head and put on a pair of black jeans. All with the towel wrapped firmly around my body.

"Damn. I was hoping you would flash me." I heard him say as I finally let go of the towel.

"Too bad."


"Your parents are never home."  We were still in my bedroom with Coco on my bed as well. After I had dressed up,Archer made me lunch (cause God knows the only thing I know how to cook is noodles. I depended on Rosalinda to make my meals.)

"Oh no they come around once in a while."

"Don't you feel lonely?" He asked.

"Not really. I'm always either at school or with the girls. Plus I have Coco to keep me company and Rosalinda...sometimes." I explained.

"Well my parents are never around and it sucks being home alone. I don't think they even care."

"My parents aren't like that. Sure I only get to see them a handful of ,but whenever I see them they always make up for it and they call every Sunday. And even if I don't see them at all on Christmas or New Year,they'll never miss my birthday. On my tenth birthday,my dad took me to a restaurant. I wore a black a dress and he wore a matching tuxedo. After we had dinner,my dad went down on one knee and brought out a tiny velvet case which contained a beautiful silver ring with a huge sapphire in the middle." I began,playing with the ring on my left ring finger before continuing.

"He told me that no matter what he would always be there for me and no guy can ever love me as much as he does. He made me feel beautiful,loved and special. He was technically my first boyfriend." I ended with a laugh.

"That's why you never let go of that ring?"

"Hm hm."

"What do they do again?"

"Daddy owns a Law firm in New York which was passed on to him by his father. And mum is a model who's also based in New York."

"Wait,is your mum Tiffany Montgomery?" He asked and I nodded.

"She is hot as fuck!" He yelled and I hit him on his shoulder.

"That's disgusting!"

"Let's be honest,she's ridiculously beautiful and her body is...damn. And don't get me started on her ass."

"Pervert." I said,glaring at him. Sure I knew my mum was really beautiful but I don't like it when guys say that. She's my mum after all.

"Oh come on don't get jealous." He said,smiling at me in a flirty manner while resting his head on my laps.

"Get your fat head off of me." I said,knocking his forehead.

"I will...if you admit that you love me." He stated,making kissy faces at me. To be honest,I wanted to suck his lips dry but that was not an option.

"You must be really jobless if you're willing to wait for me to confess my undying love for you."

"I know you love me." He said with a smug smirk.

"Don't get your hopes up."


A.N: So...did you like it? Did you hate it? Tell me how you feel about it in the comments section (but remember that I have feelings so please don't make me cwy😥.) and don't forget to vote.

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