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"Are you sure you should eat all that? I mean,dancing only does so much." I said to Stephanie,not sparing her a glance as I ate my sweet potato fries.

Liv chocked on her mashed potatoes,Gen sat there with a satisfied smirk,the three boys bit their lips to stop themselves from laughing while Stephanie's fork dropped,her mouth forming a perfect 'o'.

"What did you say?" She asked.

I looked up from my food,looking at her innocently. After some time I widened my eyes and feigned shock.

"Oh my gosh,I didn't mean to say that out loud. Me and my big mouth." I said,not even bothering to act sorry at all.

"It's okay. And that reminds me,I have something to tell you guys." She announced with a huge smile before continuing, "I'm running for Prom queen."

The whole table was deathly silent.

"Excuse me?" Gen managed to choke out.

"Yeah,I know Mon thinks she will win but I just wanted to try it out. For all I know I might win." She stated confidently.

I cleared my throat, "Liv can you please pass me your red hair band?"

No,I wasn't going to try and choke her with it. In fact I was doing the complete opposite.

I thought back to the time Archer and I were looking for prom dresses (you know,back when we were a thing). He had picked out a red dress,saying that it would look fantastic on me but I refused even though red was my favorite color. Yes,red is my favorite color,not because of the color itself but of how I felt when I wore it.

Red is bold,beautiful and daring and I felt that way whenever I wore it.

Liv and Genny had identical smirks on their faces as Liv passed me the hair band. I took my time as I put my hair in a ponytail.

"I think you're totally going to crush it." I said after I had finished before standing up with Liv and Gen.

"We've got to be somewhere so...don't miss us too much." Gen announced before we simultaneously turned and walked out of the cafeteria.

I was seething. I was beyond pissed. I was raging. And all I saw was red. I wasn't mad because she was running for prom queen-I already knew She wasn't going to win,everyone knew I was going to win but it was nice to have some competition-I was mad because she had already crossed the line.

First she took my boyfriend and now she wanted to steal my crown...I would be an idiot if I didn't notice that she thought she was better than me. It was almost like she was trying to be me. But being me is just as impossible as being Liv or Gen. We left trails of fire everywhere we went so that those who tried to be us would burn and die.

"I can not believe she's doing this." Liv spoke as we left the cafeteria.

"You and me both." Gen agreed before we were interrupted by the sound of heels clinking against the tiled floor.

"Rumors have been flying around about Stephanie running for Prom queen." The voice of Amanda called.

"We don't have time for your bullshit." Gen rolled her eyes.

"So it is true." Amanda smiled before continuing, "Well she's some serious balls."

"What do you want?" Liv sighed.

"I'm just trying to help here."

"Well hurry up,we don't have all day." I placed a hand on my hip.

"I get it,okay? It's hard to believe that I would try to help you,but I Ike think that I'm the only one allowed to get on your nerves."

"Start talking." Gen said impatiently.

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