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He blinked twice,confusion clear on his face.

"Fuck you." I repeated.


"Did you really think that just because you gave some flimsy apology,I would forgive you? Did you think that narrating that story would melt my heart that is undoubtedly cold towards you? Did you think that you trying to kiss me would make everything better?" I asked furious.


"Don't 'Monica' me. You have had forever to fess up and you didn't. You just say there and watched her flaunt you in front of me. You didn't even have the decency to break up with me before shit hit the fan."

"Let me expla-"

"Shut up! Just shut the fuck up! You don't get to show up after months and act like you care about me. You don't get to try and explain yourself. You don't get to look hurt especially when you hurt me more. Do you have any idea how I felt that day I saw her all over you in the cafeteria? Do you have any idea how badly I wanted to cry my eyes out every time I saw her with you? Do you have any idea how angry I was when you just stood there and let all that shit happen? Of course you don't.

"Now you think that you can just come here,say some cheesy lines and we will be back to the way we were. Sorry to burst your bubble,but that's not going to happen. I'm not a stop along the way,I'm a destination. If you treat me like a joke,I'll leave you like it's funny." At this point,I was basically choking back tears.

I closed my eyes,took in a deep breath then opened my eyes before saying ; "I'm going downstairs to enjoy my birthday party because I deserve to be happy. By the time I come back,I want you out of my house and out if my life." And with that,I spun around and exited my room.

I was sick and tired of being sick and tired of Stephanie thinking she could walk all over me with her big feet and Archer going along with her shit. It was only a matter of time before I blew up and ripped her fake extensions out of her fat head.

I walked down the stairs-my face giving off no emotion- and made my way towards Olivia and Genesis who were talking animatedly about something.

"What's up?" I asked when I had reached them. The two of them shared a smirk before shoving Gen's phone under my nose, saying simultaneously:

"Looks like we're going on a road trip."

I looked up from the phone and my expression mirrored theirs.

Katie had finally spoken.


"You're sure this is the place."

"Yes,this is the place. My answer hasn't changed since the last thirteen times you've asked."

"My bad."

The three of us were in Olivia's car,staring at the house in front of us. It wasn't big but it wasn't small either. It had this...homey feel about it.

"Are you ready? Cause I'm ready."

"Of course I'm ready."

"I was just asking. Are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"Then let's do this." The three of us stepped out of the car and closed the doors in perfect unison.

We walked towards the front door and Genesis rang the door bell.

"Are you sure he's home?" I asked when no one came to open the door after a minute.

"Katie says that he's always home at this time." Liv shrugged and Gen rang the doorbell again.

"What?" A deep voice groaned from inside. Instead of replying,Gen rang the doorbell agin making another frustrated groan ring out followed by footsteps before the door swung open to reveal a guy-clearly our age-who was fairly tall with deep brown-almost-black hair and matching brown eyes.



"Sup." We greeted at the same time and the guy raised an eyebrow.

"Do I know you?" He asked and,without giving us time to talk,continued "Are you guys here for Logan? Cause if you are then you'll have to go to his place. I've told him to stop bringing his sluts to my house."

"You're Eric,right?" I began.

"Who's asking?" He asked.

"Her,duh." Gen rolled her eyes.

"You're Eric,right?"


"Well then Eric,won't you invite us in?" Liv asked and,without waiting for a response,the three of us walked into his house.

"Who are you guys and what are you doing in my house?" His deep voice boomed.

"Listen,as much as we would love to stay and chat,we have other things to do with our lives so we'll just go straight to the point. Stephanie. What do you know about her?" Liv ordered.

"Stephanie who?" He asked,confusion clear on his face.

"You know,Stephanie. Tall,brown hair. Brown eyes. Tries to please everyone around her. Transferred out of your school at the beginning of the school year." I explained.

"Ohhhhhh Stephanie!" He exclaimed with a laugh.

"Yeah,her. What do you know about her?" Genesis asked.

"Why should I tell you?"

"Because we're asking nicely?"

"Nope."He popped the 'p'.

"Listen,we don't know the Stephanie you used to know but the Stephanie we have had the misfortune to come across thinks she's the shit and we want to cut her wings off and we know you're going to be able to help cause-from what we know-you're Stephanie's first and last boyfriend." Liv said.

"Which is rather unfortunate for you." Gen added.

"I still don't see why I should help you." He shrugged.

"Listen. You have no idea why we're doing what we're doing and,to be honest,I don't either but what I do know is that I'm sick and tired of seeing Stephanie's smug face every single fucking day. Do you have any idea how painful it is to see the person you despise the most flaunt your ex boyfriend in your face? Especially when you're the one who basically invented said person." I seethed.

"Stephanie did that?" He asked,a shocked expression on his face.

"Yeah,she did. I knew we shouldn't have let her sit with us." Gen mused.

"I still don't think I can help you." Eric shrugged again.

Gen,Liv and I shared a look before Genesis rolled her eyes and stepped forward. She walked over to Eric and stopped a few inches from him. She placed her right hand on his chest and hit him with her eyes.

Boys always fell for her eyes.

"Pleases Eric. Please." She pleaded while rubbing her hand against his chest,his name rolled of her tongue like silk. She widened her blue eyes a bit,giving them that doe-like look. He stared at her as if hypnotized before gulping audibly.



A. N: This book will soon be over. Yay! The chapter after this is the first out of two bonus chapters and that will be uploaded sometime in the near future. Oh and News Alert: as soon as the last chapter of this book is up,I'll upload the first chapter of the book I've been working on since last year October. I didn't want to have to go through the stress of having to update that book as well as this book which is why I didn't upload the first chapter immediately. Plus I wanted to be 203% sure of the plot and shit.

It's called 'Him Or Him' and is the first book in a series. I have had the first ten chapters down for a while now and they've been edited and proofread and those chapters are better than this entire book (I'm not even joking. I still can't believe that I'm the one who wrote them.) so if you like this book then please check it out (I swear I'll be forever thankful if you do).

Kisses 😘.

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