Bonus-Stephanie's POV

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I ran.

With tears in my eyes, I ran as fast and as far as my feet could carry me. I ran and I didn't stop till I reached the park. The park that I would always go to whenever I felt like shit.

It was all my fault. God,it was so fucking obvious that it was my fault. If I hadn't done what I did or said what I said,none of this would have happened. Everything Monica said was right.

In my old school,I had to work so fucking hard to be remotely liked. Most people thought I was trying too hard. That's because I was. Then I came into st. Hamilton and everything-as well as everyone-was different. Genesis,Olivia and Monica didn't have to try to get people to worship them. They were like queens and everyone else was their pawn. Genesis had won best hair very year since freshman year,Monica had won best dressed every year since freshman year and Olivia had been the class president every single year without fail. She was also the student council president and everyone knew she was going to be the valedictorian that year. Girls would kill to be them and guys would kill to date them. Saying that they were loved by everyone would be an understatement.

Then I came into the picture. I was over the moon with joy when they let me into their little clique. Sure it was obvious that they didn't like me as much as they liked each other (which made sense since they had been best friends forever.) but I didn't care. I was so happy to be welcomed by the three most beautiful girls in school that I would do anything to stay friends with them.

But the Amanda happened. She came to meet me one day close to the end of first semester and she started talking. She told me that those girls didn't like me. That they weren't really my friends. She said that they were using me and would eventually dump  me. I obviously didn't want that to happen. I told her that what she said was a lie and that those girls cared about me and she laughed.

"Stephanie,sweetie,do yourself a favor and get better friends. I was once friends with them and look what happened. They dumped me the same way they will surely dump you. If you have any self respect,you will go find people who actually care about you." She had said.

"How do you know that they don't like me?" I asked her.

"Do they ever ask you for your opinion on things? Do they really include you in their conversations? Do they always invite you to hang out with them the way real friends would?" She asked and I remained silent. "That's what I thought."

The more I thought about it,the more I realized that everything she said was true. But I didn't care. I still hung out with them. I basically worshipped the ground they walked on. They were loved and adored by everyone even when they were being ruthless bitches. I wanted to have people love me like that.

So I changed. I started dressing more like them,walking more like them,eating more like them (you would be surprised to know that they eat in a manner that suggests that they think they're better than everyone.) and I even started acting like them. I would pick on other girls whenever they were there in order tho get their attentions but that hardly ever noticed.

I don't think they ever meant to exclude me from their hang-out sessions. I think that they were just used to it being three of them that they didn't know how to act when it became four. But I never told them how I was feeling. I kept it all inside and sucked up.

But I finally snapped the day that I went to the mall and I saw them. The three of them were at Macy's shopping for what looked like matching outfits. I wasn't upset that they left without me. I was mad because they didn't even let me know. I would have said no because I had to follow my cousin who was around for the week because I didn't know when next I would see her but still,they should have at least called to ask if I wanted to tag along. That's what real friends do...right?

That day,I was so pissed. I was beyond raging. My anger was burning my skin third degree. I had had it up to here with them and their act of neglecting me. They thought they were better than me? I would show them that whatever they could do,I could do better.

I thought of Olivia. Trying to beat Olivia would be insanely difficult. She was a fucking genius and my IQ wasn't even up to half of hers. Then I went to Genesis. Honestly,being Genesis would be difficult. I wasn't even sure how she could be herself and not feel like throwing her body into an ocean. She was constantly happy (except when pissed.) and was all over the place which was entirely different from my personality.

Then I thought of Monica. Monica Montgomery. The head bitch in charge. Being Monica was going to be ridiculously difficult. She was easily bitchy without trying and her lips always had insults to spew. My mouth wasn't that sharp. But then I started thinking. If I could beat Monica Montgomery,the queen of all queens,I would have trashed all of them. It was like killing three birds with one stone.

I started off by taking what I knew would hurt her. Her precious little boyfriend. I had always had a crush on Archer but it was nothing more than me thinking that he was insanely good looking. It was awfully convenient when I found out that our dads were friends so just like that,I got him as easy as 'abc'. I had waited patiently for my time and then I got him. But even after I got him,he called her name.

I managed to keep him in check and we were together longer than I expected but that wasn't enough. I wanted more. So I went for her crown. Everyone knew that Monica was going to win prom queen that year so I thought if I could get the crown,I would win it all.

I thought that by stealing her boyfriend I had won the ticket to getting the crown but boy was I wrong. She wouldn't relent. I could see the fire burning in her eyes  when she found out I was running for prom queen. I tried so many time to publicly humiliate her but,like I said,that girl has a mouth that knives would be jealous of. She shut down my many attempts to ruin her image and that just made her more popular.

The plan to take her down quickly became tiring because she was a beast that refused to back down. She was the type of person who would hold her head high even when the worst rumors about her were spreading. She was bold,fearless and didn't care what people thought of her. And I hated that.

I hated her so much for having everything I wanted. She had friends who would always have her back and they would go through hell for each other-something that they would never do for me. She had a boyfriend who was so in love with her,it stopped being funny. She had a family that was basically the definition of perfect. She had followers that were loyal to the core. She had it all and I hated her for that.

I knew that I was being a jealous bitch but,honestly,I couldn't even care less. If I had heard that she got run over by a bus,I would had tap-danced on her grave. I hated Olivia and Genesis just as much but it was the fact that I stayed up at night praying for Monica's demise and nothing bad ever happened to her that almost tipped me over the edge.

There were so many time where I had contemplated driving a knife through her heart but I wouldn't give her ghost that satisfaction of seeing me in orange for 20+ years. The jealousy and rage I was filled was enough to even scare me. She was better than me at everything. She was more beautiful,more liked,more popular,more powerful,bitchier in fact,she was a better human being. And I hated that so fucking much.


A. N: Sk there's,like,one more chapter! We're down to one chapter you people!!! Honestly,when I started this book,I wasn't even sure I was going to finish it but I-as well as all my haters-are shocked that this time tomorrow,the last chapter of 'Mean Girls' will be up!!! So there's not going to be an epilogue (I wanted to do one before but then I was like...nah.) so it's left to you to determine how they end up.

Anyways,that's all for now so...byeeeeeee.

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