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The time had finally come.

Standing in front of the full length mirror in my bedroom,I put on an extra coat of lipgloss before admiring my reflection.

I had on a black cropped top with two spaghetti straps on each side,red palazzo pants paired with red wedges. My hair was down and looked ridiculously soft and airy.

The fact that I was wearing red was enough to let anyone who really knew me understand that I was out for blood.

I exited my empty house and walked over to Gen's house since she would be driving today.

"Are you ready? Cause I'm ready."

"Of course I'm ready."

"I was just asking. Are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"Then let's do this."


It was lunch time for us seniors and Gen,Liv,Ronald,Victor and I were sitting at the boys' table. Archer and Stephanie were out somewhere doing...I don't even want to know.

Genesis took her phone out and Liv and I did the same.

Gennyxxx: When do we drop the bomb?

Olives: Any moment now.

Me: I'm ready when you are.

Gennyxxx: Now?

Me: You have your copies?

Olives: Yeah. I even have it backed up on my actual phone.

Me: Well send it in 3...

We brought out the phones that we would use to send the mass text.

Olives: 2...

We double checked that each text would go to the right person.

Gennyxxx: 1

And then we sent them. The sound of every single phone in the cafeteria going off simultaneously was almost deafening. Friends shared confused looks but,after viewing what was on their phones,they looked amused. After reading what was on the picture, the amused looks were replaced with expressions of fury,rage and unfiltered anger.

Each and every student had the pleasure of receiving a-dare I say it-provocative picture of Stephanie accompanied with quotes. Quotes made by her. The kind that would make everyone hate you.

""Vanessa Meldew is a fuggley slut with no idea on how to keep her legs shut?!"' A girl,Vanessa yelled from the table beside us.

"'Ellen Baxter is a fat Oreo who is one fucking chip away from causing the ground to rumble every time she walks.'" Another girl read out.

"Is she serious?! 'Lillian McMillan looks like something a blind and talentless artist with only two fingers drew?!' I helped tutor the bitch in math!"

"Oh fuck no! 'Emily White is a fucking prostitute who keeps on lying that she's a virgin cause no one's hoo ha is that wide.' It's not my fault I have a wide set vagina!"

"'Lauren Willmore should just stop trying already. She has no idea how much more ugly her pounds of makeup makes her!'"

"'You should beware of Kelsea Sheer. I swear that whore is a lesbian who is hopelessly in love with me!' Seriously? You just happen to be alone with a person in a locker room and you're called a lesbian?"

"'Jason Black is a sorry excuse for a human being. His grades are almost as bad as Tyler Hale's breath.'"

Everyone,every fucking person looked down right pissed. People were going around confronting friends on secrets that had gotten out, people were raging about the shit Stephanie had said about them and those who were more forgiving towards the text were caught in the middle of fights. I swear it was like something out of Mean Girls.

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