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I hadn't realized how much I'd missed how things were when it was just three of us. I'm not saying that I hated having Stephanie around but I had already forgotten how different things were when it was just us...Olivia Genesis and I.

But I was reminded of how amazing it was three weeks after I met Archer's parents. It was a Monday morning and Stephanie couldn't make it to school cause she was sick.

The three of us walked into school and saying that everyone was shocked is an understatement. Who could blame them...even I had gotten used to Stephanie being behind us at all times.

"I've missed this." Liv stated as we strutted down the hall.

"Look who's coming." Coming in our direction were the three morons we spend almost everyday with. They walked towards us and I swear I almost cringed at the clicheness of the situation. I'm pretty sure stuff like that only happens in high school movies.

"Hey." We all said simultaneously. Archer took an hand and pulled me towards him before kissing my cheek.

"I swear I threw up in my mouth." Ronald gagged and we rolled our eyes at him.

"We'll see you third period" Liv said to me before turning to the boys and saying "And we'll see you during break."

"Don't miss us too much." Gen added before she went to her Art class and Liv walked off to her Computing class.

"Oh shit I forgot to ask her something." Victor announced before going after Liv.

"Well they're gone and I'm definitely not staying with you two so...peace out bitches." And with that Ronald left.

Archer turned to look at me,"Shall we?"

"We shall."


"I know you want to kiss me."

I had just come out of Archer's bathroom wearing one of his dress shirts while fluffing my wet hair with a towel when I noticed him staring (you know...the creepy type.) at me.

I bet you cringed when you found out I said that didn't you. You'll get used to it...maybe.

"Oh I definitely want to kiss you." I admitted with a small smile.

"I know. I tend to have that effect on people." I said while walking towards him.

"But I'm the only one who gets to kiss you."

"Luck you." I straddled him.

"Luckily me." He placed his hand behind my neck,pulling me towards his face.

Our noses were brushing and I could feel his breath on my face. Our lips were mere inches apart. All I had to do was lean forward a little bit mo-

"I think I'll go get my Nutella." And I got and left the room as Archer lay on his bed groaning.

I got the hugungous (That's not a word is it? Oh well.) jar out of the fridge and,with the help of a spoon,began scooping the chocolate version of heaven into my mouth.

"You will end up killing me one day." A pair of arms snaked around my waist.

"Hmmm I have that on my to do list." I said and he chuckled,planting kisses on my neck and-after dragging the shirt down a little-my shoulder.

"Archer I'm really busy right now so can you disturb me later."

"Aww but I want to disturb you now." He whined. I swear he has the IQ of a plastic spoon.

"But you disturb me all the time." I whined back. Okay maybe I also have the IQ of a plastic spoon...whatever.

"Come on. Let's finish your Disney movie marathon shit."

"Oh my gosh! Really?" I squealed. Hey in my defense I never expected him to suggest that after he made us stop halfway through 'Moana' because he literally had tears of boredom in his eyes...baby.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever."

We sat down on the couch and continued from where we stopped in 'Moana'.

"Okay no...I can't do this. Put it off." Archer all but yelled halfway through Beauty and the Beast-the movie.

"Aww come on. It was just getting good."

"I'm sorry but I swear if I hear Emma Watson's voice one more time I will lose my shit." Wimp.

"Oh come on. We've already-oh my gosh it's raining!" I yelled the last part out.


"I've always wanted to play in the rain...catch me." And with that I ran out of the house and into the rain,not caring that my white dress shirt was getting soaked profusely by the second.

"Monica you're going to get sick." Archer yelled from the safety of the house.

"Come on. You know you want to."

"I don't,I really don't."



"Pretty please."


"Pretty please with for hundred cherries on top? I'll even add a chocolate flake."

"Ugh...I'm so going to regret this." He closed his eyes before stepping out into the rain,letting the water drench him and his clothes.


I went about splashing puddles of water all over him while he used his hands to block the water. I swear he was so stupid it was positively hilarious.

"Monica you do know that I can see through your shirt,right?"

"You do know that I don't care,right?" I said,ignoring the fact that the shirt was basically as transparent as water at that moment.

"Well I like the view." He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Of course you do,pervert." I snorted (in the most un-ladylike way possible...whatever.)

"Since we're already doing the cliché playing in He rain shit,doesn't it make sense for us to do the kiss to?" He asked before placing his lips against mine and I swear my life couldn't have been more perfect.


A. N:It's like I'm trying to make these chapters as shitty as possible...whatever. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did then vote and if you didn't...still vote. Thank you guys so much for sticking with me through my shitty chapters. I love you all so much ❤️.

P. S:I just want you all to know that I'm in desperate need of a new cover so if any of you feel like taking time out of your day to make me a new cover then that would be deeply appreciated because God knows how tired I am of seeing this barf-worthy cover and I would make one myself but I have the art skills/taste of a bat. Anyways...Yeah.

Kisses for everyone!


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