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"What are you doing?"



Archer and I had been dating for three weeks already. We were in his room sitting on his bed and he was trying to tickle me.

"Laugh!" He commanded and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not ticklish." I explained.

"I said laugh!" He kept on tickling me all over my body and I just sat there staring at him like he was delusional.

"Archer you look mentally troubled just stop while you still have your digni-oh my gosh stop! Hahaha please stop." I found out that my tickle spot was on my feet...weird right?

"I knew you were ticklish." He stated triumphantly.

"You have the IQ of a teacup." I teased.

"Oh shut up...um Monica?"


"So um...my parents are around so um..."

"Go on..."

"They...they want to meet you."



"Okay um...use your words."

"They want to meet you this evening." He finally said and I stared at him for some time before realizing that I would start catching flies if I wasn't careful.

"Okay...is it going to be weird?"


"Will they hate me?"

"Of course not,who could hate you?" I was too stressed to come up with a smart comeback.

"Hey it's going to be alright. I promise they'll love you." He assured,rubbing my shoulders before kissing the top of my head.

"What should I wear." I asked and he raised his eyebrows.

"You're seriously asking me for fashion advice?"

"I know,I'm that desperate." I said and he rolled his eyes at me.

"Just wear a pretty dress."

"Come on. You have to take me home." I said,dragging him up from the bed.

"Can't we do that later? I'm sooo tired."

"No we have to go now."

"Ugh. Can I at least get a kiss first?" He pouted.

"You will get a kiss after dinner."

"You're so boring." He whined as I dragged him down the stairs.


We were outside Archer's parents house and I was this close to freaking out. Negative thoughts kept on dancing around my head and I felt like throwing up. Instead of ruining the beautiful roses that were on either side of the path towards the front door,I took a deep breath before clinging on to Archer's arm like my life depended on it.

"It's going to be okay." He said,looking down at me with a smile that instantly washed away all my nerves.

"Okay." He opened the door and stood aside,letting me walk in first.

We walked down the front corridor that led to the living room where a man and woman were sitting.

As soon as the man's eyes saw us,he signaled to the lady who turned around to look at us.

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