Chapter 6

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"Yo what th- Who is that!?" Chenle yelled as he saw his member carrying someone.

"What's happ- woah."

"Call Haechan and Haerin." The boy mumbled.

Jisung quickly went out and called the two from the other side of the mansion.

"Dude she looks, awful." Renjun snickered.

They all stared at the girl lying on the sofa while waiting for Haerin and Haechan.

Multiple footsteps were heard as the three neared the members.

"What's wrong?" Haerin gasped as she saw the pale girl.

Her lips were pale-dry and her clothes were dirty with dried blood on her head.

"Change her clothes."

Jeno walked away after saying those and the other members left with worry but Jaemin stayed with her.

"Just change her clothes and I'll help you treat her."

Jaemin carried her bridal style on one of the unused rooms and walked out to grab the kit.


"...Mm..." The girl whimpered and stretched her arms.

The cold air beamed on her belly making her jolt from the coldness.

She quickly sat up making her dizzy as dark spots formed on her eyes.

After a few seconds, her eyes came back to normal which made her feel relieved.

The unfamiliar room made her gasp together with the thin clothes she was wearing.

"Where am I? Was I raped!? I- No."

The girl cried and gripped her hair making her wince from the pain.

She quickly stood up and looked at the mirror to see her her head that was bandaged neatly.

Her clothes were thin but not revealing which made her calm down a little.

"Oh, you're awake?"

A girl's voice echoed on the room and she quickly snapped her head towards that direction.

"You should rest more." She smiled at her.

"W-who are you? Where am i?"

"I'm Haerin and you're at our house. Don't worry, we won't hurt you."

Hyejin hesitated at first but she nodded when Haerin placed the tray on the table.

"Drink this. It will help to soothe your headache."

"Tsk. What if you poison me?"

"I wouldn't do such a childish thing."

Haerin smiled at Hyejin so she quickly drank the medicine and placed it down.

"Well since you're awake, might as well have dinner with us."

"How long was i asleep?"

"About two hours. Come on."

Haerin pulled Hyejin's hands and dragged her to the kitchen where the other boys are.

"Oh Haerin le-"

Jisung stopped midway as he saw the girl holding Haerin's hands.

She shifted nervously at all of the attention she was getting.

She loved attention. So much. But the looks she was getting were weird and it made her feel uncomfortable.

"Don't mind them."

Haerin patted her shoulder and made her sit down on one of the chairs before sitting beside her.

Hyejin kept her head low since she didn't want to look on their cold eyes.

"I bet you know me." A voice beamed.

She slowly looked up and tilted her head on the side only to see the boy she never wanted to see again.

"Y-you're th-"

"Yes. Yes I am." He growled.

All of them looked confused while the two stared at each other, not wanting to look away.

"Lee Jeno."


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