Chapter 19

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"I am never letting you cook in this household again." Jaemin gagged.

The others played with their food, clearly disgusted by it while Jisung kept on eating, shocked by the fact that his first attempt in cooking turned out to be successful. Well, not really.

After a bite, nobody took another spoonful again except for the youngest boy which made them more disgusted.

It's a bit rude to say that someone's dish is disgusting but they were all honest. Hyejin didn't mind tho, since she knew that they were, no doubt, disgusting.

"I'm really sorry~" Hyejin bowed multiple times.

Haerin laughed at Hyejin's cuteness and nodded while the other members smiled at her, also laughing.

"Jeno, how's the food?" Haechan asked.

"Don't even ask."

Jeno scrunched his face before walking away. The others stared at his disappearing back, disappointed by his behavior.

"I'm very sorry." Hyejin bowed again.

"It's okay, it's Jaemin's fault."

"What!?" Jaemin coughed.

"You left these two together."

"I was out for less than five minutes!"

Renjun and Jaemin kept on arguing while they all stared at Hyejin who sheepishly smiled.


"Fuck, I'm hungry."

Jeno growled together with his stomach as he kept on changing his position on the bed. He couldn't sleep.

After minutes of staring at his ceiling, he decided to cook something for himself since he can't take it anymore.

It was already midnight so the others were already asleep which is a relief for Jeno since he didn't want to cook for them at this hour.

"Nope. This? Nah."

Jeno heard a voice inside the kitchen so he quickly ran inside and frowned when he saw Hyejin rummaging through the fridge.

"Oh, hi." Hyejin faked a laugh.

"What are you doing here?"



"No...yes...I'm just kidding it's a no."

Jeno cocked an eyebrow and sighed before staring at the raw vegetables on her hands.

"Don't tell me you're gonna eat that raw."


Jeno groaned and palmed his face. "Sit down." He pointed at Hyejin then at the chair.

Hyejin did what she was told and sat down, still holding the vegetables in her hands.

"Give it to me."

Hyejin quickly gave it to Jeno and stared at his back that was now leaning on the counter while cutting the vegetables.

After slicing them, Jeno preheated the pan and did the basic procedures on how to cook it.

The aroma was heavenly; That's what first came into her mind. Hyejin kept on clicking her tongue as she sniffed the pleasant aroma of the dish.

She badly wanted to know what it was and how it was done. Hyejin groaned and stood up, nearing Jeno who stirred the veggies in the pan.

"What's that?" Hyejin asked.

"I thought I told you to sit down."

"The pleasant smell dragged me here."

She stared at the veggies once again and smiled while rubbing her growling stomach.

"So what's it called?"

"Just...something edible." Jeno spat. "Unlike yours."

"Hey~ That's mean."

Hyejin laughed, not knowing that she slightly slapped his arm before staring back at the veggies.

Unknown to her, a smile slowly crept up on his lips while she wasn't not looking.


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