Chapter 23

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"Please~ I really want to see my brother..."

Hyejin kept on swaying Jaemin's arms from side to side while the boy kept on saying no.

"Your brother said that you shouldn't come home unless he says so."

"I'll just visit him... no big deal."

Jaemin sighed and shook his head before reading the book on his hands.


The boy sighed for the umpteenth time before facing Hyejin which made her purse her lips.



"Go ask Jeno." He cocked an eyebrow. "If he said yes then we'll go."

"Why do i need his permission? It's not like his my father or anything."

"Then we're not going."

Hyejin gasped before standing up, heading towards Jeno's room. She knocked three times expecting for the door to open.

"Come in." She heard a faint voice.

Hyejin slowly opened the door, revealing Jeno who played his phone while lying on his bed.

"What are you doing here?"

"Um...Can I visit my brother?"


"What? You too?"

Hyejin frowned before nearing Jeno who focused on his phone. She just stood there, staring at his face like a frozen statue.

"Will you stop?" Jeno growled.

"I said stop."


"Jeno~Please!" Hyejin sat on his bed and swayed his arms from side to side.

"Let go of me. Now." He demanded.

"O-oh...sorry." Hyejin got back to her senses and let his arm go, realizing that she just annoyed him.

"I-I'll go now..."

"We'll go."


"I said we're going...Get out."

Hyejin gasped and nodded before exiting his room.

Jeno scoffed before lifting his shirt up, planning to change clothes. He flexed his toned abs and arm muscles as he stared at the mirror.

"Oh by the way, Jaem- AHH!"

Jeno jolted and stared at the girl who had her eyes covered, not moving an inch. He smirked and took a plain black shirt on his closet.

"You can look now."

He neared the frozen girl on the door who slowly lowered her hands together with her head.

"Tsk. First time to see beautiful abs?"

"I mean... I saw my brother's so..." She sheepishly smiled before bowing.

"I never intended to see those."

"Those? You mean these?"

Jeno tried to lift his shirt up but Hyejin's hands were faster so she quickly pressed her hands on his lower stomach, preventing him to do so.

Tye boy cocked an eyebrow before smirking at the innocent girl.


"Nothing." He looked down. "How is it?"

Hyejin looked down and gasped before pushing Jeno away making him stumble. He scoffed, planning to walk away but the boy near his doorstep made him stop.

"J-Jaemin." Hyejin stuttered.

The boy had a smug smile as wiggled his eyebrows while looking back and forth on the two.

"So~ Should I come with you guys or?"

Jaemin pursed his lips before pressing his hands together, his smug smile not leaving his face.

"You're coming with us." Jeno pulled Jaemin out of the room, leaving Hyejin with a fast beating heart.



Hyejin knocked for the umpteenth time but no one answered. She continued to bang on the door until a hand stopped her.

"How about calling him?" Jaemin smiled.

"I did but he couldn't be reached."

"Break the door open." Jeno said.

The two stared at him weirdly before averting their attention to their surroundings. Jeno rolled his eyes and walked away, heading to their backyard.

"Hey, this door is open." Jeno yelled.

They quickly rushed to him and Hyejin gasped as she saw the door knob wrecked.

"What happened here?" She hastily walked inside.

"Yeon? Yeon~...Choi Yeonjun!"

"He's not here." Jaemin looked everywhere.

"Stay here, I'll go to his room."

Hyejin quickly walked upstairs and opened her brother's bedroom door that was filled with dusts and webs.

"Yeon? Ugh...Where could you be?"


"Found him?" Jaemin asked.

Hyejin only shook her head and walked inside their car, leaving the two alone on her house.

"What's with her?"

"I don't know. Let's go."


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