Chapter 38

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"Little girl, your time with us was too short." The man scoffed. "Say bye bye, brother."

He whistled while staring at Hyejin who had her eyes on Yeonjun the whole time. He smirked and fired his gun; laughing as it aimed on her. No, it wasn't her.


The boy clutched his chest while his head rested on his sister's lap. More blood came out of his mouth and his chest yet he still managed to give a reassuring smile. Hyejin badly wanted to hold him but she couldn't because of the ropes.

"What the- Your sister should die first before you." He groaned. "What a bummer."

Suddenly, the door bursted open and gunshots fired into the room. Jeno together with the other dream members came inside and immediately shot the enemies.


Jaemin fired his gun on the man who shot Yeonjun while the others shot the rest except for Yeji and the siblings.


The boss managed to escape and Jeno together with Chenle and Jisung immediately followed him. All their eyes screamed danger as gunshots were heard everywhere.
Screams and groans echoed in the room as bloodied bodies fell on the floor.

Meanwhile, Hyejin cried as she struggled to touch her own brother while Yeji just stood there, frozen as she stared at the bloodied boy on the girl's lap.

Haechan rushed to Hyejin and untied her hands, hoping for her to run away but as her hands were untied completely, she crouched on the floor and held her brother's body.

She couldn't care less about what was happening. Members fighting with OXE or the big boss escaping; All she knew is that the man he first loved will soon die on her arms.

"I-it's okay...I'm here...You'll be okay."

Hyejin pressed her hand on Yeonjun's chest, preventing the blood to ooze out. She cried as she looked at her brother's eyes; face almost unrecognizable as it was covered by his own blood.

"" Yeonjun voiced out.

"No! I'm not going anywhere! We'll go together..."

" l-lovely...sister." Yeonjun smiled. "I l-love you much.

Yeonjun slowly lifted his hand and touched her cheek that was filled with tears. His bloodied hand mixing it with her hot tears as she cried endlessly.

"People d-die anyways...I-i's a-already my t-time."

Yeonjun brought Hyejin's head lower and he slowly lifted his head up despite the pain on his chest before kissing her forehead.

"I-I love you...Remember t-that"

He slowly turned his head at Yeji who had her eyes widened and lips parted in shock by the situation. He smiled at her and stretched his other hand out, imagining that he's holding her from afar.

"T-thank you...for b-being my...first g-girl."

He closed his eyes for a while, wanting to open them again and see his sister one last time; in which he did. A stray tear fell on his eye as his eyes blurred, not seeing her clearly.

He felt his breath hitch as seconds passed; His vision blurred and his hearing slowly faded. His doe eyes rolled back and his lips who carried a small smile slowly parted away.
The hand on Hyejin's cheek soon dropped on the floor and it stayed put.

"Yey! Yeon, look what Santa gifted mw today!"

The little girl held the chocolates on her hand and boasted it to Yeonjun who had his Christmas sock empty.

"Good for you! Santa said he likes girls who stay kind."

"Then i will be kind always!"

"That's right! Let's go?"


Yeonjun smiled and took her hand before leading them both inside their bedroom. They slept while cuddling each other like they did every night.

It was the best Christmas ever.

"! Wake up!"

Hyejin yelled while shaking the boy's shoulders. Her only family, her first friend... Her brother laid on her arms, dying slowly. She cried, wanting to die with him. She didn't know what to do without him and she felt regretful of not spending the last month with her own brother.

"Yeonjun! Wake up! Open your eyes!"

"Hyejin look, I made you a dinosaur!"

Yeonjun placed the paper in which he made as a dinosaur on his sister's lap before tackling her on the ground.

"Yeon! No~ "

"Rawr rawr! I'm a dinosaur I will eat all of you! Rawr rawr."

The siblings laughed their hearts out while the nuns in the orphanage stared at them in awe.

"Yeon~ one more dinosaur... make a girl one!"

"No no no... No girls!" Yeonjun scoffed.

"Please~~" The little girl whined and hugged her brother.

"Okay...But just once okay?"

"Yey! Thank you!"

"Yeonjun! Choi Yeonjun!"

Meanwhile, the girl who stood frozen near them crouched down and kneeled on the floor as a tear fell in her eye.

His face was filled with fresh wounds, chest still oozing with blood that drenched her clothes but Hyejin didn't care. His breathing stopped and his pulse can no longer be heard nor felt.

Yeonjun is dead.


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