Chapter 56

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Waking up by the light illuminating on his face, Jeno stirred and moved to another position. He then realized that his movement was too quick so he sat up and looked around, seeing no girl beside him.

The clocked ticked seven in the morning making Jeno get up, planning to wash his face downstairs.

As he took the steps downstairs, he noticed that all of them are in the living room, talking and having fun while Hyejin hugged Jaemin on the waist, making him frown.

He thought that something might have developed unto them last night; but he was wrong. The way she hugged Jaemin is different from the way she hugged him.

He felt mad, knowing that he is making someone fall for him who is already in love with somebody. That's what he thought.

"Oh, Jeno! Come here!"

Chenle yelled making the others whip their heads up on the stairs, staring at Jeno's ethereal figure. He stood frozen, looking at Hyejin who avoided eye contact.

Everything was fine last night. Their heartbeats arose synchronously and their own arms lingered each other yet this time is the complete opposite.

Her arms lingered unto someone and Jeno knew her heart beats for Jaemin now. However, he smiled as he walked down, pretending to be fine even if he's not.

"Why didn't you guys wake me up?"

"We told Hyejin to wake you up and she said you were sleeping tight so she didn't."

Jeno furrowed his eyebrows in confusion; thinking on how would they ask her if she was with him all these time.

"Oh, okay." Jeno faked a smile.

Jeno sat on one of the couch, slumping his back as gazed at Hyejin who laughed with Haerin beside her. As if the girl felt it, she looked back and locked gazes with him.

Deep black orbs stared with each other, not moving. No one dared to break the eye contact despite of the anxiousness they both felt.

Haerin furrowed her eyebrows and looked back at Jeno who stared at her friend. She smirked and poked Haechan, also looking at Jeno.

The two didn't care that all of them were looking. They couldn't bare to get out of each other's gaze and the others are no help.

"I would push you two together and make you kiss until tomorrow."

Renjun rolled his eyes as the two broke the eye contact. Both of their cheeks flushed bright red, realizing the reality that they were in while the others laughed at them, including Jaemin.

"Alright, let's go have breakfast!"

"Hyejin, can you help Jeno for me? I need to fix something urgent right now."

"Oh okay, where is he?"

"At the basement. Thank you."

With that being said, the girl walked towards the basement, knocking three times before coming in without earning a reply.

"Need help?"

Hyejin's voice appeared out of nowhere, startling Jeno on the basement. His hands carried a huge box, in attempt to put it in the garage but the dirt was a mess.

"No, thank you."

The girl stared at him, struggling to clean all of the oil and dusts that the box caused. She sighed, crouching down to help him.

"I told you I don't need an-"

Stopping midway, Jeno stared at Hyejin's face; glowing. They were too close but Hyejin didn't mind since she wasn't awkward at all.

Not knowing the eyes staring at her, she continued to clean up. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead and a hand immediately wiped it; yet it wasn't hers.

Hyejin looked beside her, seeing Jeno who had his unexplainable emotion. His eyes that were dazzling stared unto her own. People say that eyes are beautiful yet mysterious that we could get lost in them and Jeno knew, he lost unto hers.

"You drive me fucking insane."


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