Chapter 32

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Two girls were sleeping peacefully on one bed; snuggling against each other. The other one snored while the other one stretched her legs, feeling comfortable as ever.

A creak on the door went unheard as they both were on dreamland; Even heavy footsteps that neared them.

"Hello, princesses."

Their mouths and noses were covered by a drugged handkerchief which made them loose consciousness. The man smirked as he held both of their faces before pressing on his in-ear.

"Got them, get the car ready."

He called one of his members and lifted one of the girls outside the mansion followed by the other one who carried the other.
The guards of the mansion were lying on the floor; bloodied and almost dying.

"What a good shooter you are." He nudged his member.

"Not really until I kill the whole NCT members."

They laughed and quickly hopped on the car until they drove away from the mansion. Three guards were crawling on the floor as they begged for their life while the other three were dead.


"Ahh~ Lee Haechan, what a pleasure to meet you." Another man smiled.

Haechan smirked and pointed his gun towards him; not aiming, just pointing it to him which made the man smirk.

"No greetings for the elder?"

"What do you fucking want?" Haechan growled.

"How's your girlfriend?" He asked then smirked.

"Don't fucking think-"

"Oh Haechan, I'm not like that." He smirked.
"But you won't know what could happen."

He laughed hysterically and Haechan wasted no time to shoot him on the chest multiple times. He was angered and at the same time worried about his girlfriend together with Hyejin.

He saw Jeno who fought with multiple enemies and he immediately helped him by shooting some of them, leaving most of the men for Jeno.

"Haechan, we need to go." Someone whispered on his in-ear.

"What? What happened?"

"The OXE members are getting many. Our guns doesn't have enough bullets and few of our members were injured."

"Okay, We'll go at the back."

The two boys ran as fast as they can on the first exit door they saw and saw the members already waiting for them with their vans. They all drove away as some of the 127 members needs to be treated.


"No...No! Haerin!"

Haechan ran as fast as he can inside his house after looking at the bloodied guards on the floor. Jeno followed suit together with the dream members, breath hitching at the silent house.

Jeno growled in anger and ran upstairs towards Hyejin's room but she wasn't there which angered him more. He walked downstairs only to see Haechan holding his hands together on his lips, praying that something bad won't happen.

As he neared them, he noticed a white crumpled paper with red inks written on it. He slowly took the paper and ripped it as he saw what was written inside.

'How would these girls taste?'


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